Sunday, December 22, 2024

Thai economy to grow 3.6% in 2019

BANGKOK, 27 April 2019 (NNT) – The overall Thai economic prospects still see continuous growth potential from private investments and tourism, while the establishment of an elected government will help bring back capital to the market, according to Siam Commercial Bank.

Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) Head of Investment Advisory and CIO Sornchai Suneta revealed the Thai economy this year is now expected to grow at 3.6%, showing minor signs of deceleration due to the global economy.

Global economic growth projection down to 3.3%

After the International Monetary Fund has adjusted the global economic growth projection down to 3.3% due to trade issues between economic superpowers, namely China and the U.S., which affects the Thai export sector which has been showing signs of deceleration since Q1 this year.

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