
The Changing Role of Democracy in Asian Geopolitics

Amid Asia's high-profile security concerns, the role of democracy in the region's geopolitics seems to be gaining resonance.Source link

India's Rohingya Realpolitik

India's muted reaction to the Rohingya crisis is worthy of note, as there had been high expectations that it would help diffuse this state-orchestrated...

Strategic Asia 2017-18: Power, Ideas, and Military Strategy in the Asia-Pacific

This book identifies how Asia's major powers have developed military strategies to address their most significant challenges.Source link

Donald Trump's 'Indo-Pacific' and America's India Conundrum

The durability of the Indo-Pacific dynamic will depend essentially on New Delhi's willingness to work with the United States and its allies in the...

Raja Mandala: Where Geography Is Destiny

India's problem is not about competing with China in South Asia, but managing its messy interdependence with the neighbours with some strategic vision and...

Raja Mandala: Reviving an Old Friendship

As India reaffirms the centrality of ASEAN for Asia's peaceful future this week, New Delhi must back its words with concrete proposals for stronger...

Examining Civil Society Legitimacy

A series of essays by leading scholars and activists on efforts around the world to improve and defend civil society's legitimacy.Source link

Diplomatic Implications of the South China Sea on the Indo-Pacific Region

China's actions in the South China Sea will likely have adverse consequences for the global maritime order. Such actions require a sustained and intentional...

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