China warns military members against online dating, gambling

China’s navy warns young officers about online dating scams and virtual gambling risks, urging them to protect their military identity and avoid distractions that could undermine discipline and security.

In a rare alert, China’s navy warned young officers about the dangers of online dating scams and virtual gambling. The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy advised personnel born from 1990 to protect their military identities online, as they are prime targets for criminals.

The navy emphasized that military personnel should be cautious when making friends online and maintain a strong sense of principles. They also cautioned against illegal virtual gambling, likening addiction to a demon that could lead to severe financial consequences.

President Xi Jinping has highlighted internal issues within the armed forces, like corruption and discipline lapses. He has called for political loyalty, urging military personnel to uphold the Communist Party’s leadership and maintain strict discipline.

Source : China warns military members against online dating, gambling


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