Friday, September 20, 2024

Thailand Shows Exceptional Economic Health

The Grant Thornton International Business Report (IBR) for H1 2023 highlights positive economic conditions in Thailand, with improvements in business health, optimism, and expected post-pandemic growth in various industries. Inflation concerns are receding.

Thailand Shows Positive Economic Outlook in H1 2023

The Grant Thornton International Business Report (IBR) for H1 2023 indicates a significant improvement in economic conditions and positive sentiment for the private sector globally, with Thailand in particular showing exceptional economic health. The report highlights the expected trends and business conditions for the next 12 months. This is particularly noteworthy as it signals post-pandemic growth, which has been eagerly awaited after years of delays due to geopolitical issues and new waves of infections.

Positive Signs for Global and Asia-Pacific Mid-Market Businesses

Globally, mid-market business health has improved, with a score of 3.1%, a significant increase from negative values just six months ago. In the Asia-Pacific region, mid-market business health improved to 0.5%, up from -2.8% in the previous report. Notably, both ASEAN and Thailand exhibited even higher rates of improvement and overall totals. ASEAN reported a business health score of 9.9%, while Thailand scored an impressive 14.3%. Thailand’s score represents a significant increase of 5.5 percentage points, indicating improved investment climate, better economic conditions, and increased business optimism.

Trends and Challenges for Thai Businesses

While business health has improved for Thai mid-market businesses, the percentage of businesses expecting an increase in exports over the next 12 months has been on a consistent downward trend. However, revenue scores, profitability expectations, economic optimism, employment scores, and investment in staff skills all showed positive trends. The easing of inflation likely contributed to an improved perception of demand constraints. Overall, Thailand’s outlook remains positive despite challenges in the export sector.

Source: Thailand Shows Exceptional Economic Health …

Source : Thailand Shows Exceptional Economic Health


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