Negotiations on economic partnership with South Korea begin

Thailand and South Korea have started negotiations for an Economic Partnership Agreement to enhance bilateral trade and investment, with discussions covering various sectors like goods, services, and investment. The agreement aims to strengthen economic cooperation between the two countries.

Thailand and South Korea Launch First Round of EPA Negotiations

Thailand and South Korea have initiated negotiations for an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the goal of enhancing bilateral trade and investment. The three-day meeting, which took place in Bangkok, was co-chaired by Chotima Iemsawasdikul from Thailand’s Trade Negotiations Department and Deputy Minister Roh Keon-ki for FTA Negotiations.

Focus on Mutual Trade Network and Cooperation

The South Korea EPA aims to establish a mutually beneficial trade network with partner nations that goes beyond simple market opening. While the agreement covers a smaller scope of areas compared to a traditional free trade agreement, Seoul and Bangkok emphasized the importance of enhancing bilateral economic cooperation. The second meeting for further negotiations is set to take place in Seoul in September.


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