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The Enabling Festival 2023/24

The Enabling Festival 2023/24

New roving community exhibit aims to engage persons living with dementia and caregivers through the power of smell and raise dementia awareness

SINGAPORE – Media OutReach – 21 September 2023 – The Enabling Festival in Singapore presents a year-long showcase on the sensory power of Smell for persons living with dementia and their caregivers through an interactive and ever-expanding exhibition, entitled Scented Stories. Curated from over 100 submissions from caregivers and persons living with dementia, the Festival kicks off with 30 smell-stimulated memories and will expand as more individuals contribute their stories during the exhibition’s tour to different communities in Singapore and beyond.


Through this showcase, Festival co-founders and family caregivers Daniel Lim and Danny Raven Tan hope to engage members of the public with favourite smells or the familiar scent of a loved one, as a way to connect meaningfully with others and evoke personal memories. “The sense of Smell is directly linked with memory,” says Lim, who, with Tan, established a dementia awareness social enterprise while providing home care for their respective loved ones living well with dementia. “Our aim is to enable our caregiving communities with fun and accessible tools for living well with dementia, like sensory play with favourite scents, and to provide peer support to those who are currently, or may eventually become, caregivers of a loved one with dementia.”

Scented Stories is an alchemy of memories conjured by Smell through an installation of images, jars, objects, and text that represents diverse “scentimental” stories from all walks of life. Aromas include citrusy peonies, crisp household soaps, smoky joss sticks, sulfury curry leaves, sweet jasmine oil, nose-tickling hair cream, the wild earthiness of fresh rain, raw dirt, and sandy beaches – and more! Through this installation, we want the caregivers and members of the public to connect with their loved ones through the sense of smell and how this can be a catalyst for engagement between generations and their carers. The focus is on the stories and how these objects brings back precious memories, especially for caregivers whose loved ones had passed on.

The Enabling Festival is presented by Enable Asia, a volunteer-driven social enterprise by caregivers, for caregivers, in collaboration with the Dementia-Friendly Singapore (DFSG) initiative and with support from Festival Partners, The Majurity Trust and The Agency for Integrated Care (AIC). This is the Festival’s 6th edition since 2018, following themes of Sight, Sound, Taste, and Touch – and now, Smell, with Festival Director, Jeremiah Choy.

Scented Stories – a touring exhibition (FREE admission)

16 – 30 Sep 2023 – Punggol Regional Library, Singapore

1 – 31 Oct 2023 – Jurong Regional Library, Singapore

To contribute your own Scented Stories, click the Festival padlet link on the Festival website at

The rest of 2023 and 2024 is open for interested partners, collaborators and like-minded organisations in Singapore and neighbouring cities.

To host the exhibition in your community, contact the Festival Team at [email protected].

Workshops in Singapore – by registration with a small fee to support the cause

The SenEssential Oil Workshop – 1 Oct (4pm – 6pm), 15 Oct (9am – 1pm)

Somatic Movements by Vincent Yong, Part 1: Unappreciated – 8 Nov (7.30pm – 8.45pm)

Fidget Cushion – 25 Nov (10.30am – 12.30pm, 2pm – 4.30pm), 2 Dec (2pm – 4.30pm)

For more details and to register, visit

The Little Red Couch – a Facebook ‘Live’ talk series

Like or Follow to receive the Live notifications.

Daniel Lim +65 9009 8898 [email protected] | Kim Dy-Liacco +63 917 6500631 [email protected]

Hashtag: #enablingfestival #caregiving #caregivers #scentedstories #dementia #enableasia

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Enable Asia

Enable Asia is a Singaporean Social Enterprise founded by two caregivers to persons living with dementia, who are passionate in educating and raising awareness about the caregiving journey and also to enable those living with dementia. They envision working with an inclusive community to identify problems and co-create solutions through various key initiatives such as The Enabling Festival to achieve their objectives.

For more information, visit .

To support us, visit

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This content was prepared by Media OutReach. The opinions expressed in this article are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Siam News Network.

On the way back to the bad old times

On the way back to the bad old times

In contrast to last year, the latest edition of Coface’s survey on corporate payment experience in Germany was not affected by special events like the COVID-19 pandemic or the onset of the war in Ukraine and the resulting price pressures of commodities.

This led to a normalization effect and the 2023 payment figures moved closer to pre-pandemic levels. Once again, more companies offered payment terms in 2023 (79% of all participants), which is comparable to 2019 (81%). The general preference for short credit terms in Germany remained unchanged: more than half of the surveyed companies requested payments to be made within 30 days in 2023, while ultra-long credit terms (120+ days) remained rare.

The payment delay figures show how much government support measures have helped companies in recent years. Indeed, now that almost all COVID-19 related support measures have ended and the impact of energy subsidies has levelled off, the number of companies reporting payment delays normalized and increased to a share of 76% in 2023 (see Chart 1), markedly above that of the 2020-2022 period, but not as high as 2019 (85%). Yet, it is worth noting that they are above pre-pandemic levels in automotive, transport and ICT. The average duration of payment delays increased to 30.1 days in 2023 (+1.4 days relative to 2022), which is still noticeably below the pre-pandemic average of 39.7 days. Most sectors (excluding wood, construction, and textile-clothing) reported an increase in the duration of payment delays. With an average of 22 days, companies in the paper-packaging sector experienced the shortest waiting time this year, while companies in the finance sector had to be the most patient, with an average delay of 39.2 days.

Pessimistic outlook and de-risking strategies at the rise

Although payment behaviour remains in a relatively good shape even after this…

Read the complete story on Thailand Business PrNews

Offshore wind industry poised for growth, but economic pressures and tech innovation need to be managed

Offshore wind industry poised for growth, but economic pressures and tech innovation need to be managed
  • In its new report, ‘A turning point for offshore wind’, Allianz Commercial highlights growth opportunities, tech innovations, risk trends, and loss patterns for the global industry.
  • Damage to cables is the top cause of insurance claims, followed by turbine failure.
  • Speed of build-out is creating pressure on materials and supply chains, port infrastructure, and available construction and maintenance vessels.
  • Bigger turbines and new technology drive bigger exposures for insurers which need to be understood in partnership with developers.
  • Weather and natural catastrophe risks are increasing as sector expands into new territories.

SINGAPORE – Media OutReach – 21 September 2023 – The potential of offshore wind as a viable source of clean power for the energy transition is indisputable. Investment in the sector is growing rapidly around the world, the power capacity of installations is ramping up, and technological innovations are proliferating – from multi-purpose windfarms and floating installations to next-generation connectivity and drone-based maintenance. Developers and their insurers need to manage a range of risks to successfully scale offshore wind globally, among them prototypical technology, economic pressures, more extreme weather conditions, cable damage, and collision perils, as well as environmental concerns.

In its new report, A turning point for offshore wind, Allianz Commercial, as a leading insurer of renewable energy and low-carbon technology solutions, highlights growth opportunities, tech innovations, risk trends, and loss patterns for the offshore wind industry as the sector prepares for global growth.

“Offshore wind farms are highly complex projects,” says Anthony Vassallo, Global Head of Natural Resources, Allianz Commercial.The lessons learned from past losses – which are primarily damage to cables and turbines – are essential for the industry to continue to grow sustainably. Emerging risks need to be explored, too, as developers prepare for widescale deployment of offshore wind around the globe. The size of turbines is ever increasing, wind farms are moving further out into harsher marine environments where they are more exposed to extreme weather, and technological innovation is constantly progressing. Navigating biodiversity issues in coastal communities will also become more important as demand for ocean space is set to increase fivefold by 2050.”

China has overtaken Europe as biggest market
More than 99% of the total global offshore wind installation is in Europe and Asia-Pacific today, but the US is investing heavily in this sector and China has overtaken Europe as the world’s biggest market, with half of the world’s offshore wind installations in 2023 expected to be in the country. In 2022, 8.8GW of new offshore wind capacity was added to the grid with global installed capacity reaching 64.3GW. Around 380GW of offshore capacity is expected to be added across 32 markets over the next 10 years, according to the Global Wind Energy Council, with half of that growth expected to come from the Asia Pacific region.

“Offshore wind is poised to play a pivotal role in Asia as economies decarbonize their power supply. The sector is still relatively young and rapidly growing, and it is essential that projects are conceptualized, designed, and engineered for the known risks ahead that they will face, such as natural catastrophes, supply chain challenges, and other emerging risks due to technological advancements,” says Trent Cannings, Regional Head of Natural Resources and Construction, Allianz Commercial Asia.

While growth ambitions are huge, all is not plain sailing for developers, according to the report. Spiraling costs have halted major wind projects recently and the industry is impacted by inflation, capital expenses, rising interest rates, and geopolitical instability. The cost of materials and vessel hire have risen, while the supply of materials and access to contractors remains challenging. Supply chain bottlenecks, lengthy permitting procedures and delays to grid connections are also exerting pressure.

The scale and scope of the global offshore wind roll-out is epic. It requires the expansion of manufacturing footprint, port facilities, and infrastructure. And it needs to be fast-tracked by all stakeholders in a joint effort – financial institutions, corporates, and governments,” says Adam Reed, Global Leader Offshore Renewables and Upstream Energy, Allianz Commercial.

Cables top cause of claims
Both the energy sector and the insurance industry have considerable expertise when it comes to managing the perils of offshore wind activities. In one of its largest offshore wind insurance markets, Germany and Central Eastern Europe, Allianz Commercial has seen 53% of offshore wind claims by value from 2014 to 2020 relate to cable damage, followed by turbine failure as the second major cause (20%). From the loss of entire cables during transport to the bending of cables during installation, cable losses have incurred multi-million-dollar losses in offshore wind as cable failure can potentially put a whole network of turbines out of commission.

Cable risk is critical and therefore the quality of service is vital. Contractors need to provide assurance they have the required expertise to remedy incidents and that they can source replacement components quickly in order to contain losses incurred during downtime,” explains Reed. “From an underwriting perspective, with subsea cabling work insurers pay close attention to the type of cabling used, the kind of vessels involved, the communication between client and contractor, and how often qualified risk engineers will make site visits to oversee proceedings.”

Tech innovations breaking the mold
The sector has to carefully manage the deployment of emerging technologies at scale. Novel approaches include so-called ‘energy islands’ which share power between grids and nations and multi-purpose wind farms that produce green hydrogen or house battery storage facilities. Pilot projects such as the Offshore Logistics Drones from German utility company EnBW explore the deployment of drones for the maintenance and repairs of turbines, reducing the reliance on helicopters and humans. While most offshore wind power is currently ‘fixed-bottom’, the development of leading-edge floating wind technologies in deeper ocean waters is poised for commercialization.

Managing the increasing size of wind turbines is another key challenge. In the last 20 years they have nearly quadrupled in height – from around 70m to 260m – almost three times taller than the Statue of Liberty in New York. Rotor diameters have increased fivefold in the past 30 years. Wind turbines with capacities of 8 or 9MW are common, but newer models reach 14 to 18MW with a wind farm project in Australia recently announcing plans to use 20MW turbines.

“With new technological approaches and an increase in turbine size comes a corresponding increase in risk. We are closely monitoring the many innovations in the offshore wind industry which include prototypical technologies, pilot projects, and evolving standardization. These new and unproven technologies often come with a lack of technical maturity and data available. By partnering with clients in the early stages of projects, and exchanging knowledge and learnings, all parties will gain a greater understanding of the exposures involved,” says Dr Wei Zhang, Senior Risk Consultant, Natural Resources, Allianz Commercial.

Availability of specialist vessels and collision incidents also pose challenges
Another pressing problem identified in the report is the availability of specialist vessels. A bigger fleet globally is needed that goes beyond Europe as a current primary location including installation, jack-up and support vessels. Meanwhile, vessel collision with turbines and offshore infrastructure can also result in significant losses, with an uptick in incidents seen in recent years, the report also notes. Although, to date, these have typically involved smaller vessels, often as a result of human error, there have also been a number of incidents involving larger vessels, an increasing concern given 2,500 wind turbines are due to be installed in the North Sea alone before 2030.

Navigating harsher environments
Although the offshore sector in Europe has significant expertise in managing operations in hazardous marine environments, as it expands around the world, there will be new developments further from shore in territories prone to different types of weather conditions and natural catastrophes. “On the East Coast of the United States or Taiwan, for example, wind speeds and wave action will be much more significant. It remains to be seen whether climate change will heighten the risk, as rising sea surface temperatures can intensify the strength of hurricanes,” explains Reed.

Despite its invaluable contribution to the net-zero transition, the offshore wind industry needs to be mindful of responsible development and environmental stewardship, the Allianz report points out. This includes managing its impact on biodiversity and marine wildlife or the sourcing of required raw materials such as rare earth elements or lithium.

Allianz is supporting some of the most exciting offshore developments, whether as an investor or insurer. In its recently launched Net-Zero Transition Plan, Allianz Commercial committed to a revenue growth of 150% for renewable energy and low-carbon technology by 2030. In addition, Allianz committed to €20 billion in additional investments for climate and clean-tech solutions. As an investor, the company is contributing to about 100 wind farm and green energy projects such as Hollandse Kust Zuid in the Netherlands, He Dreiht (Germany), or NeuConnect (UK/Germany). Allianz Commercial provides insurance coverage solutions across all stages of offshore wind development, construction and operations and is the insurer of many developments, among them Revolution Wind (US), Dogger Bank Wind Farm (UK), NeuConnect (UK/Germany) and Jeonnam 1 (South Korea).

Hashtag: #Allianz

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Allianz Commercial

Allianz Commercial is the center of expertise and global line of Allianz Group for insuring mid-sized businesses, large enterprises and specialist risks. Among our customers are the world’s largest consumer brands, financial institutions and industry players, the global aviation and shipping industry as well as family-owned and medium enterprises which are the backbone of the economy. We also cover unique risks such as offshore wind parks, infrastructure projects or Hollywood film productions. Powered by the employees, , and network of the world’s #1 insurance brand, we work together to help our customers prepare for what’s ahead: They trust on us for providing a wide range of traditional and risk transfer solutions, outstanding and services as well as seamless handling. Allianz Commercial brings together the large corporate insurance business of Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty (AGCS) and the commercial insurance business of national Allianz Property & Casualty entities serving mid-sized companies. We are present in over 200 countries and territories either though our own teams or the Allianz Group network and partners. In 2022, the integrated business of Allianz Commercial generated more than €19 billion gross premium globally.

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This content was prepared by Media OutReach. The opinions expressed in this article are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Siam News Network.

Capture.HK Revolutionises Memories with the Launch of Slide Film Digitisation Service

Capture.HK Revolutionises Memories with the Launch of Slide Film Digitisation Service

Offers Exclusive Pricing Promotion and Free Trial

HONG KONG SAR – Media OutReach – 21 September 2023 – CaptureTM Hong Kong, a leading service provider of analogue media digitisation, is excited to announce the launch of its latest service: Slide Digitisation. This new offering allows customers to preserve their cherished slides, ensuring that precious memories captured on film are safeguarded for future generations.

Preserving History and Inspiring Moments
Slides have a rich history that spans several decades, playing a significant role in preserving and sharing colour images. Originating in the mid-19th century, slides quickly became popular with Kodak’s introduction of the legendary Kodachrome slide film in 1935. In Hong Kong alone, Capture.HK estimates millions of slides in Hong Kong alone still waiting to be digitised.

Slides serve a multitude of purposes and found significant utility in preserving and documenting family, company or an organisation’s history, ensuring that legacies are passed down through generations. They provide stable colour and vibrant saturation, often used for print magazines and journalism. Slides also found extensive application in presentations for educational and corporate environments. Moreover, slides play a significant role in photography exhibitions, captivating audiences with their ability to showcase vivid imagery and artistry when projected through the famed “Carousel” projector. Hobbyists around the world cheered in 2017 when Kodak Alaris revived the slide film Ektachrome for consumer and cinematic use because of it is fine grain and surreal colour saturation.

Sharing Timeless Moments
Capture.HK brings joy to customers by digitising and preserving timeless moments, allowing them to share these precious memories with others. The process of digitisation offers a unique opportunity to revive and relive cherished moments for both corporations and consumers.

“King Fook is soon celebrating our 75th anniversary. This is a huge milestone for a company that is a part of the fabric of Hong Kong. It was so important to uncover our rich archive of historical artefacts with the help of Capture.HK.” Says Paulette Sum, CEO at King Fook Holdings Limited. “We had years of memories stored of chronicling major company events. Many of our images are slides of precious jewellery from over 50 years ago that we know our customer still cherish to this day.”

One satisfied customer, David Nesbitt of the Nesbitt Centre, shared his experience with Capture.HK’s Slide Digitisation service. “I had a collection of slides documenting my family’s and Hong Kong’s history such as Kai Tak Airport, Jumbo Floating Restaurant, but they were fading away. I decided to digitise them with Capture.HK, and I couldn’t be happier with the results. The team captured the essence of each slide, preserving the vibrant colours and intricate details. Now, I can easily share these memories with my loved ones through Google Photos.”

Capture.HK offers a Comprehensive Solution for Slide Digitisation and Other Analogue Media
Capture.HK’s Slide Digitisation service accepts various formats, including 35mm, Super 35mm, 110, 126, 127, 127 Superslide and 120/220 Medium Format. Each slide is meticulously digitised at a remarkable 12-megapixel resolution. As a comprehensive memories preservation solution, Capture.HK can also digitise other analogue media such as photographs, photo albums, videotape and digital media.

To celebrate the launch of the Slide Digitisation service, Capture.HK is offering a limited-time discount offer until the end of this year. Regularly priced at HK$6 per slide, the promotional price is 50% off at HK$3 per slide. Furthermore, Capture.HK is thrilled to introduce a free trial service, allowing customers to experience the quality and convenience of the digitisation process. The free trial includes the digitisation of 10 slides, accompanied by a digital upload (exclusively to Google Photos).

From now until 20th October 2023, customers of Capture.HK can simply schedule an appointment to experience the free trial.

Learn more about Capture.HK:

Hashtag: #CaptureLimited #SlideDigitisation #NewProductLaunch


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Capture Limited

Capture.HK is the leading analogue media digitisation service provider in Hong Kong. We digitise analogue media (photo albums, photographs, videotapes, digital media like USB Flash Drive, Compact Flash, DVD, etc) and slides, using our proprietary technology. Capture.HK is the only service that saves memories directly to Google Photos through secure Google authentication. In the USA, we have cooperated with Fujifilm, Google and retail giants like Walmart and Costco, to help more than 12 million families and organisations to safeguard their memories.

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This content was prepared by Media OutReach. The opinions expressed in this article are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Siam News Network.

German Brewery Paulaner is making the SoundTrack to Oktoberfest

Hong Kong Baptist University-led research discovers new therapeutic target for irritable bowel syndrome

Every day, thousands of people roll their suitcases through Munich Airport.

MUNICH, GERMANY – news aktuell – 21 September 2023 – During Oktoberfest, they can now use them to create music. To celebrate Paulaner’s special connection to Oktoberfest, the brewery and the creative agency thjnk Munich are ringing in Oktoberfest 2023 in a very special way – with the Paulaner SoundTrack.

Paulaner_SoundTrack_1 (1).jpg
Shortly before the opening: The Paulaner “SoundTrack” is the new tourist attraction at Munich Airport on the occasion of Oktoberfest

– Pictures and video are available at AP

What is the SoundTrack?

The Paulaner SoundTrack is a publicly accessible, innovative installation between Terminals 1 and 2 at Munich Airport. It will be getting all travellers into the Oktoberfest mood.

More specifically, it is a walkable track made of acrylic glass into which precise grooves have been milled. As soon as you walk along the track with your wheeled suitcase at the speed set by a strip of light, various tones can be heard. In sequence, these tones produce the melody of the well-known Oktoberfest song Ein Prosit der Gemütlichkeit.

It’s obvious that only one melody is suitable for Paulaner’s ‘soundtrack’: Ein Prosit der Gemütlichkeit is the Oktoberfest classic that makes Oktoberfest visitors raise their mugs – up to three times an hour. The fact that a suitcase is capable of playing an exact melody from a sequence of different groove frequencies is based on precise calculations by Canadian doctor and audiologist Marshall Chasin.

Paulaner_SoundTrack_2 (1).jpg
Finally, suitcase pulling is fun! If you run your wheelie bags over the precisely milled grooves of the “SoundTrack”, you create the most popular song of the Oktoberfest: “Ein Prosit der Gemütlichkeit”

Around 20% of the approximately six million annual Oktoberfest visitors travel from abroad to toast with the specially brewed Oktoberfest beer. Paulaner is an essential part of this tradition. Because as one of six breweries in Munich, Paulaner has the privilege of being the official Oktoberfest beer. The tasty Paulaner Oktoberfest beer is the original from Munich, and is even the best-selling Oktoberfest beer in retail. It is therefore the best way to properly welcome Oktoberfest visitors to Munich.

Moving image and photo material as well as further information on the video material can be found under the link.

Hashtag: #Paulaner

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This content was prepared by Media OutReach. The opinions expressed in this article are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Siam News Network.

Heritage drinks brand Yeo’s launches spectacular Drinkable Garden at Gardens by the Bay

Heritage drinks brand Yeo's launches spectacular Drinkable Garden at Gardens by the Bay

SINGAPORE – Media OutReach – 21 September 2023 – Singapore’s iconic heritage brand, Yeo Hiap Seng, (Yeo’s) has launched the Yeo’s Drinkable Garden, a refreshing and immersive experience at Singapore’s premier horticultural destination, Gardens by the Bay.

Yeo's Drinkable Garden pays homage to the humble chrysanthemum flower
Yeo’s Drinkable Garden pays homage to the humble chrysanthemum flower

The Yeo’s Drinkable Garden takes visitors on a multi-sensorial journey inspired by the brand’s signature and most distinguishable drink – Yeo’s chrysanthemum tea. The month-long exhibit pays homage to the humble chrysanthemum and is a feast for the senses, featuring an installation inspired by different Yeo’s chrysanthemum brews – Yeo’s iconic signature Chrysanthemum Tea, the newly launched ‘heavenly’ rare Snow Chrysanthemum Tea and a “test-kitchen” Rose-Infused Chrysanthemum brew.

The botanical experience will tell the story of the exceptional quality and craft behind each Yeo’s drink. Visitors will learn about the unique benefits across a variety of chrysanthemums and get a glimpse into the intricate craft infused into making Yeo’s chrysanthemum tea – from the growing and harvesting of fresh flower petals, through to the drying process, the masterful brewing techniques and to the final step of meticulous cooling and packaging.

Also on site will be the special edition Yeo’s signature chrysanthemum tea, that commemorates the centenary of Singapore’s founding Prime Minister, the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew, and to celebrate his legacy as Singapore’s “chief gardener” and his visionary role in transforming Singapore into a green city. The commemorative Yeo’s packs are not for sale, and will be distributed in educational settings around Singapore. Gardens by the Bay, a ground-breaking project made possible by the foundation laid by Mr Lee, will be one of multiple distribution points all over Singapore, where packs will be given to visitors for free while stocks last.

Said Ong Yuh Hwang, CEO, Yeo Hiap Seng:

Yeo’s continues to promise on its heritage of producing intricately crafted drinks using only quality ingredients. Our Yeo’s Drinkable Garden is a reflection of the core values of our signature drink – real chrysanthemum flowers filled with aroma and flavour, brewed in its purest form with no compromise on taste – a true celebration of the best of our heritage combined with creativity and innovation.”

The Yeo’s Drinkable Garden and the launch of new chrysanthemum flavour also marks the brand’s latest efforts in diversifying its primary product ingredients to cultivate a more sustainable production practice for the business.

By including and exploring new variants of chrysanthemum flowers into its line of drinks, Yeo’s recognises that promoting diversity within its largest product ingredient will significantly impact its reliance on a singular crop and contribute to a healthy supply of chrysanthemum flowers for the future.

Yeo’s signature Chrysanthemum tea is produced from the aromatic Hang Bai Ju chrysanthemum. Each Yeo’s chrysanthemum packet contains at least ten extracted chrysanthemum flowers that are freshly brewed, producing the iconic aroma with cooling properties distinct only from Grade A Hang Bai Ju Chrysanthemum flowers.

Yeo’s newly launched Snow ‘Kunlun’ Chrysanthemum inherits its highly flavourful attributes from the gradual pace of growth unique to the cool temperatures found in China’s Kunlun Mountains.

Yeo’s Drinkable Garden is a collaboration between Yeo’s, Gardens by the Bay and award-winning botanical studio, This Humid House, renowned for their bold contemporary creations that reflect the climate, geography and collective culture of our surroundings.

Yeo's Drinkable Garden is located within the Flower Dome of premier horticultural destination Gardens by the Bay
Yeo’s Drinkable Garden is located within the Flower Dome of premier horticultural destination Gardens by the Bay

The Drinkable Garden complements Gardens by the Bay’s upcoming Chrysanthemum Charm – the penultimate changing floral display in Flower Dome for 2023, which opens on Sep 29. Chrysanthemum Charm is inspired by the open grasslands reminiscent of the steppes of Mongolia and features diverse varieties of chrysanthemums. The floral display is made possible by Yeo’s.

In addition, Yeo’s will also be supporting Gardens by the Bay’s inaugural Flower Carpet, which will open on Sep 23 at Supertree Grove.

Said May Yeo, Assistant CEO, Gardens by the Bay:

“Gardens by the Bay is a horticultural show garden with a strong focus on floral artistry. The installation of beautiful blooms of Yeo’s Drinkable Garden are a stunning example of such floral artistry and will complement the visitor experience in Flower Dome. A ground-breaking project like Gardens by the Bay would not have come to fruition without the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s vision of greening the nation. In commemoration of Mr Lee, Gardens by the Bay is one of the venues for distribution of the special edition pack of chrysanthemum tea, to pay tribute to his centenary.”

The Yeo’s Drinkable Garden is open to visitors over the next four weeks from Sept 16th to Oct 13th at the South American Garden in Flower Dome, Gardens by the Bay.

View The Drinkable Garden film here


Hashtag: #YeosDrinkableGarden #RefreshWhatMatters #YeosSG

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Yeo Hiap Seng Limited (

Yeo Hiap Seng is a Singapore-based heritage brand that has pioneered innovations in Asian beverages for more than a century. It is the first in the world to package Asian drinks in Tetra Brik aseptic cartons using UHT process and the first to offer curry chicken in canned form. Yeo’s popular range of soybean and chrysanthemum drinks is widely sold in Asia, Europe and North America.

The Group serves more than 30 markets around the world where the Yeo’s portfolio of Asian food and beverages are known for its authentic flavours and exceptional quality. More than 80% of its beverages are from healthier choice products, making them the natural choice among consumers.

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This content was prepared by Media OutReach. The opinions expressed in this article are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Siam News Network.

KAUST enhances the Kingdom’s economic competitiveness by forging transformative research and innovation collaboration with China’s Shenzhen City

KAUST enhances the Kingdom's economic competitiveness by forging transformative research and innovation collaboration with China's Shenzhen City

HONG KONG SAR – Media OutReach – 21 September 2023 – King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) has bolstered its strategic ties by collaborating with leading innovation and academic institutions in Shenzhen, China.


Shenzhen, one of China’s foremost hubs of technological development and its third most economically and technically developed city after Shanghai and Beijing, is a strategic partner in enhancing the Kingdom’s innovation ecosystem. The collaboration with leading businesses, academics, and innovation specialists in Shenzhen solidifies the University’s reputation as a premier global research and technology hub.

During a visit to the University’s campus on September 14, H.E. Mayor of Shenzhen, Mr. Qin Weizhong, along with 50 delegates from Tsinghua University; Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School (Tsinghua SIGS), Research Institute of Tsinghua University in Shenzhen (RITS); Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (CHUK-Shenzhen); Shenzhen InnoX Academy; and Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data (SRIBD), signed several Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs) with KAUST. These MOUs emphasize shared capabilities in research, education, talent exchange and training, innovation, and entrepreneurship. These collaborations aim to foster a new generation of scientific research and innovation leaders, elevating the Kingdom’s higher education system to unparalleled standards.

The Shenzhen collaboration is part of a central pillar of KAUST’s new strategy, unveiled last month. A component of its renewed vision, the University is intensifying its drive to launch initiatives that establish connections with elite academic institutions and innovation hubs worldwide. These alliances aim to deepen scientific relationships, catalyze technology adoption, and promote research commercialization to uplift the Kingdom’s economic competitiveness.

KAUST President Professor Tony Chan commented, “Our collaboration with esteemed Shenzhen institutions embodies one of KAUST’s primary objectives – to enhance commercialization of our research and promote global research partnerships and talent cultivation. These synergies will amplify our influence and bring tangible benefits to the Kingdom.”

During a reception at the Ritz Carlton in Riyadh on September 16, Shenzhen delegates were co-hosted by KAUST and the Kingdom’s Research Development and Innovation Authority (RDIA) with esteemed speakers H.E. Dr. Munir M. Eldesouki, President of King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, and head of the establishment team of the Research Development and Innovation Authority, H.E. Mayor of Shenzhen Mr. Qin Weizhong, H.E. Chinese Ambassador Chen Weiqing and KAUST Professor Jinchao Xu, and nearly 200 representatives attending from various Saudi ministries and the private sectors, including PIF, Saudi Aramco, as well as other critical business, innovation and research leaders in Saudi Arabia and China.

In March 2023, a delegation from KAUST visited Shenzhen, entering into MOUs with top institutes, including CUHK-Shenzhen, RITS, SRIBD, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Shenzhen InnoX Academy, International Digital Economy, and X-Institute.

Hashtag: #KAUST

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Established in 2009, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) is a graduate research university devoted to finding solutions for some of the most pressing scientific and technological challenges in the world as well as Saudi Arabia in the areas of food and health, water, energy, environment and the digital domain. KAUST is a curiosity-driven, interdisciplinary, problem-solving environment with state-of-the-art labs, distinguished faculty and talented students.

KAUST brings together the best minds from around the world to advance research. More than 120 different nationalities live, work and study on campus. KAUST is also a catalyst for innovation, economic development and social prosperity, with research resulting in patents and novel products, enterprising startups, regional and global initiatives, and collaboration with other academic institutions, industries and government agencies.

For additional information, visit .

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This content was prepared by Media OutReach. The opinions expressed in this article are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Siam News Network.

FBS and Thai Influencer Trader Mait Team Up to Empower Traders Through Data-Driven Strategies

FBS and Thai Influencer Trader Mait Team Up to Empower Traders Through Data-Driven Strategies

BANGKOK, THAILAND – Media OutReach – 21 September 2023 – FBS, a leading international online trading platform, announces its long-term partnership with Trader Mait, a rising YouTube influencer from Thailand who is particularly known for his insightful content on personal finance and trading. In July 2023, Trader Mait took on the role of FBS brand ambassador in Thailand, joining efforts to enhance trading education accessibility.

FBS Team and Trader Mait
FBS Team and Trader Mait

FBS and Trader Mait share their vision of opening the world of trading to the general public. As part of this collaboration, and with the support of FBS, Trader Mait delivers engaging educational videos, trading insights and cases based on his experience. FBS-branded content focuses on topics ranging from Trading Psychology and Risk Management to strategies for Growing One’s Trading Portfolio and Trading Full-Time.

“At FBS, we believe that trading education is fundamental to successful trading. We are excited to have Trader Mait as the FBS brand ambassador and eagerly welcome him to our team. Trader Mait’s dedication to explaining complex concepts in simple terms and desire to educate people strongly resonates with our values,” said Ksenia Molodkina, Strategic Marketing Director FBS.

Speaking about the partnership Trader Mait adds, “I am very excited to collaborate with FBS. Together, we can make a much more significant impact and reach out to a greater number of traders here in Thailand and the neighboring countries. What we’re doing aims to support ordinary citizens as they’re entering the world of financial markets.”

As the partnership unfolds, FBS and Trader Mait aim to empower individuals with skills and more expert content essential for informed decision-making and risk management in trading.

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About FBS

FBS is a licensed worldwide broker with over 14 years of experience and more than 75 international awards. FBS is steadily developing as one of the market’s most trusted brokers, with its traders numbering more than 27,000,000 and its partners exceeding 500,000 around the globe. The annual trading volume of FBS clients is over $8.9 trillion. FBS is also the Official Partner of Leicester City Football Club.

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