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Thailand’s Online Gambling Industry Size in 2022

Thailand’s Online Gambling Industry Size in 2022

Many Asian countries have already decriminalized casino gaming, like Singapore, Philippines, Cambodia end Malaysia, and trends suggest that Thailand may follow suit. Until then, Thai residents have to travel to countries that permit online gambling, like neighbouring Cambodia, or play online casino games on offshore casinos.

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Tourism Rebound could generate 3 trillion Baht in two years for Thailand


The Ministry of Tourism recently elaborated on the performance of Thailand’s tourism sector during the pandemic, noting that its post-pandemic rebound could generate 3 trillion baht in two years.

The remarks were made as part of the government’s explanation at the parliament’s fiscal budget debate, during which the opposition accused the proposed 2023 budget of being inequitable.

Tourism and Sports Minister Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn said the number of international tourists visiting Thailand before the pandemic numbered 39.8 million, contributing to some 3 trillion baht that accounted for 18% of national GDP.

In 2021, Thailand recorded just 430,000 international visitors. The figure from the beginning of this year through May increased to 1.31 million, marking a positive start for 2022.

Tourism target set to 7-10 million in 2022

The Ministry of Tourism and Sports now expects the number of international tourists from June through September this year to be around 2.7-3 million, and more than 1 million between October and December 2022. The ministry has set a total international tourism target for this year at 7-10 million people and expects the nation to reel in 1.15-1.5 trillion baht.

The ministry anticipates that the tourism revenue will touch…

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How Will the RCEP Impact Thailand’s Economy?

How Will the RCEP Impact Thailand’s Economy?

The Thai government hopes that RCEP will contribute to the country’s economic recovery amid the pressures of COVID-19 and high inflation while helping the country become a more sophisticated trading partner in the longer term

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Future proofing ASEAN’s 2030 digital supply chain


 Future proofing ASEAN’s 2030 digital supply chain

ASEAN economies were further held back by systemic inefficiencies such as complex tax regime, e-commerce regulations and customs protocols. For example, customs documentary requirements are vastly different across ASEAN, resulting in customs delays that create traffic bottlenecks and increase shipping costs. These differences are largely due to a disparity in digitalisation between the member states. Although all 10 members have access to a common trade platform known as the ASEAN Single Window (ASW), only about half are currently using it.

ASEAN member states have also joined forces with their pacific neighbors – Australia, China, New Zealand, and South Korea –to sign the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). However, it is uncertain if RCEP will fare much better – the lack of penalties and binding requirements means that nations can beg off the agreement’s standards if they deem them contrary to the country’s public policy objectives. Future proofing ASEAN’s 2030 digital supply chain needs to start NOW.

The 2030 ASEAN digital supply chain – where do we start?

With Covid slowly releasing its clutch on the region and trade agreements offering imperfect assurance of future success, where does that leave ASEAN’s hopes for a better, more efficient, and more synchronized trade and supply chain network?

Kearney is advocating for ASEAN to embrace and leverage digitalisation to fundamentally transform end to end supply chains in ASEAN. Such a digital supply chain should at minimum have four key qualities as seen in the figure below. However, in reality, the current supply chains in ASEAN lack some of the necessary qualities. Instead, in ASEAN, we have difficult-to-navigate logistics-supply markets, manual collection of inventory data and low-to-no tracking of ocean vessels.

There is a better way – imagine this:

But how do we get these from where we are today? There are 4 main themes of actions to path the way: Institutional reform, infrastructural upgrade, technological advancement and adoption, and human capital growth.

Institutional Reform – At a regional level, a good starting point would be for holdout nations to adopt the ASW. Additionally, ASW can be integrated with the ASEAN Smart Logistics Network (ASLN) and non-member nations can be included in the ASW. On a national level, governments can redirect some resources allocated to support businesses during COVID, to digitalize trade services. Nations can also continue COVID-related debottlenecking efforts – such as streamlining custom processes for ‘low-risk’ traders – and even expand it into non-emergency product categories. These efforts in tandem with digitalisation measures that are already planned or under way, like the parts of the ASEAN Comprehensive Recovery Framework (ACRF), can go long way toward shifting ASEAN into a higher logistical gear.

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Thailand Aims to Become Hemp Production Hub


According to Industry Minister Suriya Jungrungreangkit, the value of hemp cultivated and harvested in Thailand is projected to grow by at least 20,000 baht per rai, creating more jobs throughout the industry supply chain.

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Thailand Aims to Become Hemp Production Hub


BANGKOK (NNT) – The government is proceeding with plans to make Thailand a regional manufacturing center for hemp products over the next five years, with the goal of generating at least 25 billion baht in revenue.

According to Industry Minister Suriya Jungrungreangkit, the value of hemp cultivated and harvested in Thailand is projected to grow by at least 20,000 baht per rai, creating more jobs throughout the industry supply chain.

Suriya added that the move is in line with the industry’s expansion, fueled by the relaxation of legal restrictions on commercial hemp in the United States, Canada, Australia, the European Union, China, Japan and South Korea.

According to the industry minister, the global hemp industry was worth 142 billion baht in 2020, representing a 22.4% increase over the previous year. The value is expected to reach 558 billion baht per year by 2027.

Thongchai Chawalitpichet of the Office of Industrial Economics (OIE) meanwhile said the ministry has also tasked his agency with developing an operational plan to support the promotion of hemp as the nation’s newest cash crop. He also said at least four major measures have since been established and are expected to be implemented upon approval by all parties involved.

Information and Source

Reporter : Paul Rujopakarn

Rewriter : Tarin Angskul

National News Bureau :

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Thailand Tourist Police launches ‘I Lert U’ mobile app for 24-hour assistance

Bangkok, 8 July, 2022 – The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) would like to inform tourists they can download the ‘Tourist Police I Lert U’ mobile application, to enjoy peace of mind throughout their travels in Thailand.

Downloadable for free at Google Play for Android phones and App Store for iOS phones, the I Lert U application is available in English and Thai. The app is linked to the Tourist Police 1155 Emergency Response Centre, where there are also interpreters and translators ready to provide tourist assistance in other languages.

Tourists requiring help at any time 24 hours around the clock can use the application to contact the Tourist Police, who will dispatch officers to the scene immediately. Tourists can also take a photo of an incident and upload via the app to require assistance.

The Tourist Police is a division of the Royal Thai Police, and is dedicated to the safety and well-being of tourists in Thailand. With over 1,900 officers, the Tourist Police operates throughout the kingdom, including in all the major tourist destinations like Bangkok, Phuket, Samui, and Chiang Mai.

The Royal Thai Government places the highest priority on the safety and well-being of every visitor to Thailand. And as the main government agency responsible for the promotion and marketing of Thailand as a preferred destination, TAT is working closely with all the concerned public and private organisations to ensure the utmost efforts to prevent any unfortunate incidents occurring on tourists and the local Thai people.

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TAT’s Amazing Thailand Gala Dinner in Paris highlights gastronomy and sustainability tourism


Paris, 3 June, 2022 – HRH Princess Ubolratanarachakanya Siriwatanaphanwadi graciously presided over the “Amazing Thailand Gala Dinner” organised in Paris on 31 May, 2022, by the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) to showcase the kingdom’s gastronomy and sustainability tourism.

The event was held just a week after TAT had successfully conducted the “Amazing Thailand New Chapters Roadshow” to Amsterdam, Ghent, and Paris, on 23-25 May.

Mr. Yuthasak Supasorn, TAT Governor, said, “TAT hosted the Amazing Thailand Gala Dinner to express thanks to our partners and friends of Thailand in Paris, while reiterating the awareness of our “Visit Thailand Year 2022 – 2023: Amazing Thailand New Chapters” tourism marketing campaign.

The event is also to communicate with French as well as European travellers that Thailand is now fully open for tourism.

“HRH Princess Ubolratanarachakanya Siriwatanaphanwadi honoured the Amazing Thailand Gala Dinner, and offered a word of encouragement to tourism businesses, while extending an invitation to travellers to visit Thailand, saying:

“Whatever challenges we face, we will always be the Land of Smiles. As we return to normality, I encourage you all to fill your hearts with optimism and…

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