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Early study shows ChulaCOV-19 vaccine as effective as Pfizer


BANGKOK (NNT) – The Phase 1 trial of Thailand’s homegrown mRNA COVID-19 vaccine ChulaCOV-19, suggests the candidate vaccine can help the body elicit the same level of antibody response as the Pfizer-BioNTech, along with much easier storage requirements. The researchers are aiming for this Thai-made vaccine to be available next year as a booster shot for Thai people.

King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital and the Faculty of Medicine at Chulalongkorn University, today announced a promising preliminary result from the Phase 1 clinical trial of the ChulaCOV-19 vaccine, Thailand’s homegrown COVID-19 vaccine developed using the much anticipated mRNA technology.

Prof Dr Kiat Ruxrungtham, director of the Chula Vaccine Research Center (Chula VRC), said today the Phase 1 trial conducted with 36 volunteers aged 18-55 years old, showed the trial vaccine can help the body build a level of antibody response similar to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, developed using the same mRNA technology.

The volunteers have been constantly monitored and tested for their antibody responses after receiving two doses of ChulaCOV-19 from world-class laboratories. Preliminary results from this study show the vaccine candidate is 94% efficacious in preventing SARS-CoV-2 attachment to human cells, the same level as the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

In comparison, the viral vector vaccine from AstraZeneca has this particular efficacy rate at 84%, while the inactivated vaccine from Sinovac is at 75%. The minimum threshold of research was only 68%.

In terms of safety, all 36 volunteers reported no adverse events following vaccination. Mild to moderate side effects similar to those of other vaccines were observed, with most of the symptoms improving after 1-3 days.

The researchers have concluded that data from the Phase 1 study shows the ChulaCOV-19 candidate vaccine can help the body in eliciting a high level of antibody response effective in preventing illnesses from the wild type SARS-CoV-2, as well as the Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta variants of concern.

With performance expected to be similar to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, this Thai-made mRNA vaccine does not come with ultra cold storage and transportation requirements. The vaccine has been designed to remain potent and stable at a normal refrigerator temperature of 2-8 degree celsius for three months, or at the regular temperature of an air conditioned room for 14 days.

With promising results from the initial trial stage, the researchers are now going ahead with a Phase 2 trial involving more volunteers. The team will be selecting the appropriate dosage for Phase 2 at the end of this week, while the actual study is expected to commence on 25th August.

In this phase, researchers will be making a head-to-head comparison between volunteers receiving ChulaCOV-19, and volunteers receiving Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine supplied by the Ministry of Public Health.

If all goes well, the team expects to have this Thai-made mRNA vaccine available to the general public by April 2022, mainly as a booster shot for fully vaccinated people. The researchers are also working on a second-generation and third-generation vaccine in response to newer variants.

Prof Dr Kiat said the vaccine project still needs more fluid funding from related agencies, while urging the government, private sector, and the general public to consider a new protocol for vaccine authorization to determine at what stage of the study the candidate vaccine could receive emergency regulatory approval.

The Thai Food and Drugs Administration is now brainstorming this new protocol, which is expected to be released next month.

The vaccine project still needs to rely on a capable manufacturer which can produce doses in bulk before the end of this year, as well as a clarified advance vaccine procurement policy from the government.

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Thailand COVID-19 Situation as of 20 August, 2021, 12.30 Hrs

COVID-19 Daily Vaccinations

COVID-19 Vaccinations in Thailand

Total number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered: 25,818,666

· Total number of people who have received 1 dose: 19,586,009

· Total number of people who have received 2 doses: 5,705,200

· Total number of people who have received 3 doses: 527,457

Number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered: +860,777

· Number of people who have received the first dose: +651,606

· Number of people who have received the second dose: +201,318

· Number of people who have received the third dose: +7,853

COVID-19 Daily Situation

Total Cases: 1,009,710

New Cases: +19,851 Daily Cases: 19,526 & From Prisons: 325)

Receiving Medical Treatment: 205,079

Recovered: 795,805

Deaths: 8,826

TAT would like to recommend all to take DMHTT precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19: D – Distancing, M – Mask wearing, H – Handwashing, T – Temperature check, and T – Thai Chana contact tracing application. 

TAT is constantly providing updates on the tourism-related COVID-19 situation in Thailand at the TAT Newsroom (; Facebook (; and Twitter (Tatnews_Org).

For additional information and assistance relating to Thailand’s tourism, contact the TAT Contact Centre 1672 or Tourist Police 1155.

The post Thailand COVID-19 Situation as of 20 August, 2021, 12.30 Hrs appeared first on TAT Newsroom.

Read the complete story here

SET hosts Thailand Focus 2021 to showcase Thai capital market…


BANGKOK (NNT) – The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) is arranging “Thailand Focus 2021: Thriving in the Next Normal”, a virtual conference, to present the strength and opportunities of the Thai capital market in the next normal. Finance Minister Arkhom Termpittayapaisith will deliver a keynote speech on the Thai economy’s opportunities, readiness and strategic progress towards sustainability to boost confidence among institutional investors globally. In addition, representatives of business, financial and capital market sectors will demonstrate how Thai business operators could strategically optimize their resilience and adapt to cope with the pandemic situation. Senior executives of over 100 listed companies will share valuable information in the virtual conference set for August 25-27.

SET President Pakorn Peetathawatchai, said today that Thailand Focus conferences have been held continuously for 15 years with this year’s theme being “Thriving in the Next Normal”. It will show the potential, strength and readiness of the Thai capital market and the overall economy in the next normal. Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Thai capital market has managed to keep uncertainties in check, making strides in initiating new businesses and attracting more companies engaged in future industries to line up for listing. From 2019 until now, the Thai capital market’s performance has proven to be outstanding compared to other ASEAN markets in terms of newly listed securities’ fundraising amounts, while the overall market is currently faring better than early this year. This indicates the Thai capital market’s healthy position as a key fundraising and returns generating source amid the crisis, and interesting investment destination. The Thailand Focus conference truly provides a good opportunity to present useful information and demonstrate potential to global institutional investors.

The Thailand Focus 2021 virtual conference, is honored to have Finance Minister Arkhom Termpittayapaisith make the keynote speech on the topic “Shaping Thailand’s Readiness for Post COVID-19 Economic Opportunities”, shining light on the directions and policies concerning economic stimulation by the government to support recovery and prepare for growth. He will confirm development strategies to drive a sustainable economy as the foundation of long-term growth. Moreover, representatives of the government and private sectors will concertedly boost confidence among international institutional investors by presenting Thailand’s potential and listed companies’ adaptations, especially by adopting innovations and technologies to increase their performance efficiency and realize growth opportunities, with lessons learnt from the current crisis to enhance business success in the future.

Despite the COVID pandemic, this year’s Thailand Focus will be close to its previous manifestations under normal conditions. For example, the number of participating listed companies will be double their number in the virtual conference last year. Furthermore, there will be one-on-one meetings so that institutional investors can engage in opportune discussions directly with listed companies, in addition to the virtual private group meetings that were organized last year, drawing a great number of large institutional investors.

“Moreover, top-notch executives of more than 100 listed companies from all industry groups will participate in the conference to share privileged information with worldwide institutional investors. These are companies with growth potential and knowledge of current investment trends. In addition, these corporations place importance on sustainable development embracing environmental, social and economic governance or ESG; aspects valued by global investors who will also share their insights,” added Pakorn.

“Thailand Focus 2021: Thriving in the Next Normal” is being conducted in the form of a virtual conference on August 25 – 27, 2021 to present investment opportunities to worldwide institutional investors. For more information, please visit

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Thailand’s exports of historically high value in Q22021


BANGKOK (NNT) – The value of Thailand’s exports in the second quarter of 2021 was recorded at 67.8 billion USD – an historically high level. Exports increased 36.2 percent – the most recorded in 44 quarters – from 5.0-percent growth in the previous quarter, according to the Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council.

Export items of increased value included passenger cars (89.1 percent), pickups & trucks (190.5 percent), vehicle parts & accessories (102.2 percent), electrical equipment (24.6 percent), computers and parts (37.6 percent), rubber products (40.0 percent), rubber (97.3 percent), and cassava (48.2 percent).

The Thai Economy in the second quarter of 2021 increased 7.5 percent, compared to a 2.6-percent contraction in the previous quarter. After being seasonally adjusted, the economy grew by 0.4 percent from the first quarter. In the first half of 2021, the Thai economy expanded by 2.0 percent.

Meanwhile, accommodation and food service activities contracted by 17.2 percent, further declining from 37.1-percent in the preceding period. The number of foreign tourists dropped 99.4 percent and the average occupancy rate was 12.20 percent.

On economic stability, the unemployment rate was 1.9 percent, slightly lower than 2.0 percent in the previous quarter and also 2.0 percent in the same quarter last year. At the end of June 2021, international reserves stood at 247 billion USD and public debt was at 8.83 trillion Baht or 56.1 percent of GDP.

The Thai economy in 2021 is expected to grow in the range of 0.7 – 1.2 percent, recovering from a 6.1-percent contraction in 2020, and revised down from the range of 1.5 – 2.5 percent in the previous projection (as of May 17th, 2021).

Economic growth over the remainder of the year is likely to be subject to the following vital limitations and risks, including uncertainty arising from the new wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the fragile financial position of both households and businesses amid a high unemployment rate, with additional impact from the resurgence of COVID-19, risks affecting exports, and the manufacturing sector being affected by an outbreak of the virus in industrial areas, coupled with the constraints on the global value chain and international logistics, and volatility in the global economic and financial situation.

Policy management in the remaining months of 2021 should put an emphasis on containing the domestic outbreak, providing remedial assistance to affected people, implementing measures to support economic recovery once the outbreak can be contained, by focusing on policy to promote domestic spending and the tourism sector, preparing areas for a resumption of economic activities, implementing surveillance measures to prevent a resurgence of the new outbreak, and helping entrepreneurs to resume their usual business operations, encouraging the export of goods, maintaining growth momentum with government expenditure and public investment, stimulating private investment and preserving the domestic political environment, as well as maintaining economic stability.

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Thailand’s plant-based COVID-19 vaccine starts human trials


BANGKOK (NNT) – Another potential COVID-19 vaccine developed in Thailand is entering clinical trials, this time a protein subunit vaccine produced from plants by a Thai pharmaceutical startup. If successful, the vaccine is expected to become available in Q3 next year.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Health Anutin Charnvirakul, together with the Department of Medical Sciences director and the director of the National Vaccine Institute, has inspected the model plant-based medicines and biological products manufacturing facility, at which a new type of COVID-19 vaccine made from the tobacco plant will be produced.

The candidate vaccine, developed by a pharmaceutical startup Baiya Phytopharm, together with the Faculty of Pharmacy at Chulalongkorn University, has been in development since February 2020.

Designed as a protein subunit vaccine, this vaccine will introduce selected SARS-CoV-2 antigens into the recipient’s body to stimulate an immune response, unlike the viral vector or mRNA technologies which require the body to express these antigens itself.

The antigen will be grown and harvested in tobacco leaves, using a bacteria to transfer specific coronavirus genetic information into the plant. The modified tobacco plant which now carries the antigen will be farmed in a plantation. The plants will be harvested, the antigen extracted, then purified and made into a vaccine. The team plans to conduct the purification process at the Kingen Biotech’s facility, before bottling at the Queen Saovabha Memorial Institute.

The Chula-Baiya candidate vaccine will start Phase 1 of human trials early next month with around 100 subject, to establish the appropriate dosage, either 10, 50, or 100 micrograms. The team aims to introduce the vaccine for use by Thai people in Q3 2022, with production capacity at 60 million doses a year. They also say the plant-based technology allows the vaccine to be easily adapted for newer variants.

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Thailand COVID-19 Situation as of 15 August, 2021, 12.30 Hrs

COVID-19 Daily Vaccinations

COVID-19 Vaccinations in Thailand

Total number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered: 23,476,869

· Total number of people who have received 1 dose: 17,879,206

· Total number of people who have received 2 doses: 5,073,672

· Total number of people who have received 3 doses: 523,991

Number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered: +284,378

· Number of people who have received the first dose: +183,092

· Number of people who have received the second dose: +40,104

· Number of people who have received the third dose: +61,182

COVID-19 Daily Situation

Total Cases: 907,157

New Cases: +21,882 Daily Cases: 21,637 & From Prisons: 245)

Receiving Medical Treatment: 210,943

Recovered: 688,662

Deaths: 7,552

TAT would like to recommend all to take DMHTT precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19: D – Distancing, M – Mask wearing, H – Handwashing, T – Temperature check, and T – Thai Chana contact tracing application. 

TAT is constantly providing updates on the tourism-related COVID-19 situation in Thailand at the TAT Newsroom (; Facebook (; and Twitter (Tatnews_Org).

For additional information and assistance relating to Thailand’s tourism, contact the TAT Contact Centre 1672 or Tourist Police 1155.

The post Thailand COVID-19 Situation as of 15 August, 2021, 12.30 Hrs appeared first on TAT Newsroom.

Read the complete story here

Muslim SMEs brought together for THA Shop


BANGKOK (NNT) – To assist Muslim retailers impacted by the persistent COVID-19 situation, the Halal Science Center of Chulalongkorn University has opened Thailand’s first THA Shop as a sales point for Halal SMEs.

Adviser to the Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Alongkorn Polabut presided over the opening of the THA Shop, which is an amalgamation of premium goods from across Thailand. The products are to be sold in Bangkok as well as online and include Halal products, OTOP goods, state enterprise products and unique provincial offerings such as ready-to-eat meals, snacks, drinks and health supplements.

Director of the Halal Science Center Winai Dahlan remarked that SMEs are the key to economic progress, pointing out there are currently over 3.1 million in Thailand, contributing 34 percent of the GDP. The COVID-19 pandemic has severely dampened SMEs however and the THA Shop was set up to promote sales by such businesses.

The shop is located at Suan Luang Square in Soi Chulalongkorn 12 and can also be accessed online at Facebook page thashopbkk or via Shopee.

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Thai Industrial Estate Authority’s Revenue Increases 138% during…


BANGKOK (NNT) – The Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) has revealed that its revenue, during the first nine months of fiscal 2021, increased by 138% year-on-year to 130 billion baht due to more investment in industrial estates, especially in technology to improve factory operations.

IEAT Governor Veeris Ammarapala said industrial estates located in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) played a key role in driving investment and drawing investors.

He said the IEAT expects investment to grow in the last fiscal quarter of this year as a result of the state’s mass vaccination program and the global economic recovery. However, total land sales in IEAT estates decreased by 49.6% year-on-year to 148.32 hectares, down from 294.24 hectares, mainly because foreign investors cannot not travel to Thailand to sign land purchase contracts.

According to the IEAT, China invested the most in industrial estates (15.2%), followed by Japan (12.1%) and Singapore, South Korea and the US (9.09%). There are 4,944 factories in IEAT’s industrial estates, employing 815,942 workers.

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