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Thailand Calls for Easing of Border Restrictions at APEC Trade…


BANGKOK (NNT) – Commerce Minister Jurin Laksanavisit, speaking during the APEC trade ministers’ meeting, assured that the Thai government is working to ensure Thais have equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines, supports moves to ease restrictions on cross-border goods transport and exempts taxes on medical supplies.
He told the meeting the pandemic has affected the business sector and economic growth in the region, adding Thailand has dealt with the crisis by adopting modern trade models, such as on-line trade and business matching, to provide small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and micro-SMEs with opportunities to export their goods.

Mr. Jurin said Thailand supports connectivity among APEC countries by calling for restrictions on international travel to be relaxed. Thailand will reopen its tourism industry, with Phuket to be the first province to welcome back foreign tourists and waive the quarantine requirement for those who have been vaccinated against COVID-19, under the so-called “Phuket Tourism Sandbox” program, starting on July 1.

The minister added that the Thai government is also supporting sustainable trade practices, such as promoting its bio-circular-green economy (BCG) development scheme, as a model for post-COVID economic recovery.

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Thailand COVID-19 Situation as of 6 June, 2021, 12.30 Hrs

COVID-19 Daily Vaccinations

Total number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered: 4,190,503

· Total number of people who have received 1 dose: 2,845,287

· Total number of people who have received 2 doses: 1,345,216

Number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered today: 47,559

· Number of people who have received the first dose: 26,611

· Number of people who have received the second dose: 20,948

COVID-19 Daily Situation

Total Cases: 177,467

New Cases: +2,671 (Daily Cases: 2,067 & From Prisons: 604)

Receiving Medical Treatment: 49,714

Recovered: 126,517

Deaths: 1,236

TAT would like to recommend all to take DMHTT precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19: D – Distancing, M – Mask wearing, H – Handwashing, T – Temperature check, and T – Thai Chana contact tracing application. 

TAT is constantly providing updates on the tourism-related COVID-19 situation in Thailand at the TAT Newsroom (; Facebook (; and Twitter (Tatnews_Org).

For additional information and assistance relating to Thailand’s tourism, contact the TAT Contact Centre 1672 or Tourist Police 1155.

The post Thailand COVID-19 Situation as of 6 June, 2021, 12.30 Hrs appeared first on TAT Newsroom.

Read the complete story here

SMEs want more cost-cutting measures from gov’t: FTI


BANGKOK (NNT) – Small and medium businesses are asking the government to help absorb their operational costs and rents as businesses continue to suffer from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) has made suggestions on what the government could do to help small and medium enterprises (SMEs), in which cost cutting measures come out on top.

After a survey of CEOs across 45 industries, the FTI has concluded SMEs want the government to help absorb their business costs, such as utility bills and rents, in order to help them survive the pandemic-driven economic crisis.

They suggest the SME sector could use a 30% reduction in utility bills, and a 50% reduction on their rents and the associated fees collected by shopping malls and factories.

They suggest the government could introduce a tax rebate campaign for the lessors, encouraging them to cut rental prices during the crisis.

The FTI says SMEs are now facing a bigger crisis than in the situation last year, particularly due to workplace outbreaks and the lack of liquidity to sustain operations.

On feedback about economic measures introduced by the government, the FTI finds the co-pay and payout campaigns promoting domestic spending to be the most beneficial to small and medium businesses, followed by the reduction in required Social Security contributions, and soft loans.

On the government’s issuance of an Emergency Decree to seek 500 billion baht in loans, FTI executives say this portion of money should be used mostly to stimulate domestic consumption, then on financial aid and compensation to the general public and affected businesses.

Most executives surveyed believe a spending plan based on the 500 billion baht loan could help Thailand’s economy recover to normal in mid-2022.

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Agriculture Ministry helping farmers sell goods; delivering…


BANGKOK (NNT) – To help farmers and members of agricultural cooperatives who are struggling to sell their produce because of the COVID-19 situation, the government’s Department of Agricultural Extension is buying agricultural goods that are facing marketing issues at this time. The goods will be distributed to physicians, nurses and people affected by the outbreak.

April’s xports rise by the most in 36 months


BANGKOK (NNT) – Despite the continuing hindrance of COVID-19, expanding exports and state consumption have turned the Thai economic trend positive.

Fiscal Policy Advisor Wuttipong Jittangsakul, reported today that Thai exports rose to over 21 billion USD in value in April, growing 13.1 percent on-year, the highest rate in 36 months. Best performing goods included vehicles and automotive accessories, agricultural and goods and foods, and related work-from-home items. The nation’s top trading partners continued to be the United States, China, the European Union and South Asia.

Private consumption also improved on the same period last year. New car registrations soared 65.8 percent, in line with a 9.8 percent expansion in agricultural revenue. Passenger car sales grew a huge 92.4 percent despite dropping slightly from March as consumer confidence fell from 48.5 points to 46, due to concerns to do with the latest wave of COVID-19 infection. Nonetheless, stimulus measures such as Rao Chana and Article 33 helped to energize commerce.

Private investment was positive in April with imports of base goods continuing on an upward trend, in particular construction materials needed for government infrastructure projects.

Economic stability was described as good with inflation at 3.4 percent and public debt in March at 54.3 percent of the GDP, within fiscal discipline limits. The foreign reserve ended April at a high of over 8 trillion baht.

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NIA to present National Innovation Awards 2021


BANGKOK (NNT) – To promote the development of innovative works and inventions that can be used to create economic value, the National Innovation Agency (NIA), Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation (MHESI) is arranging the National Innovation Awards 2021 on the concept of “Timeless Honor”.

Mr Pun-Arj Chairatana, NIA Director, said today that the National Innovation Award is considered the most prestigious award in Thailand’s innovation industry, encouraging the development of innovative works, and expanding marketing opportunities both in Thailand and abroad. Although, there are currently successful innovative works that are truly beneficial, it takes experts, knowledge of innovation and technology as well as various networks to help those innovations reach perfection and a level of effectiveness which will lead to the creation of economic and social value.

This year’s National Innovation Awards will be made in five areas: economic contribution, social and environmental contribution, product and service design, media and communication and innovative organization. The winners will have an opportunity to develop innovative potential through training and field trips to leading innovative organizations abroad, seeking further development of innovative works, expanding marketing opportunities both in Thailand and abroad as well as publicizing innovative works through media to broaden public perception channels. Those interested can submit an application on from now until June 30, 2021.

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Thailand COVID-19 Situation as of 1 June, 2021, 12.30 Hrs

COVID-19 Daily Vaccinations

Total number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered: 3,644,859

· Total number of people who have received 1 dose: 2,539,491

· Total number of people who have received 2 doses: 1,125,368

Number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered today: 54,977

· Number of people who have received the first dose: 40,562

· Number of people who have received the second dose: 14,415

COVID-19 Daily Situation

Total Cases: 162,022

New Cases: +2,230 (Daily Cases: 2,153 & From Prisons: 77)

Receiving Medical Treatment: 49,218

Recovered: 111,735

Deaths: 1,069

TAT would like to recommend all to take DMHTT precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19: D – Distancing, M – Mask wearing, H – Handwashing, T – Temperature check, and T – Thai Chana contact tracing application. 

TAT is constantly providing updates on the tourism-related COVID-19 situation in Thailand at the TAT Newsroom (; Facebook (; and Twitter (Tatnews_Org).

For additional information and assistance relating to Thailand’s tourism, contact the TAT Contact Centre 1672 or Tourist Police 1155.

The post Thailand COVID-19 Situation as of 1 June, 2021, 12.30 Hrs appeared first on TAT Newsroom.

Read the complete story here

Thailand confirms Phuket’s reopening date of July 1st


The Thai government has confirmed its plan to reopen Thailand to foreign tourists, starting with Phuket province as a pilot destination on July 1st, using the Phuket Sandbox model.

Visitors who travel by air to Phuket must provide documents to prove that they have received both COVID-19 vaccine doses. They are required to undergo rapid antigen tests, or reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT- PCR) tests, at their place of origin, and to register on and the MorChana application.

129,000 visitors

The TAT aims to attract 129,000 visitors to Thailand in the third quarter of this year, through the “Phuket Sandbox” project, where fully vaccinated tourists, who have tested negative for COVID-19, can visit Phuket for a minimum period of seven days, before travelling to other provinces with airports.

“All of us at the Tourism Authority of Thailand share the excitement and anticipation of everyone in Phuket in the preparation to welcome back foreign tourists in the not-too-distant future. From 1 July, 2021, vaccinated foreign tourists will be allowed to visit Phuket without quarantine, so the countdown starts now to the reopening of Phuket!”

Mr. Yuthasak Supasorn, TAT Governor

However Mr Yuthasak said an official announcement of the Phuket sandbox model in the Royal Gazette will take place around mid-June after…

Read the complete story on Thailand Business News