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Thai Industrial Sector Urges Government to Borrow More Money to…


BANGKOK (NNT) – The Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) is urging the government to borrow an additional 1 trillion baht to help the economy next year, following months of lockdown to curb COVID-19 outbreaks.

FTI chairman Supant Mongkolsuthree said Thailand needs more money to drive the economy, which has been contracting due to the pandemic, adding that the government’s previous 500-billion-baht emergency loan decree was not enough.

He said Thailand should follow other countries and borrow more money to restore the economy and the 1-trillion-baht loan decree is needed for 2022. Extra borrowing must be used to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which are possibly bearing the heavy brunt of the pandemic and lockdown measures and really need help from the government.

According to Mr. Supant, the FTI has thrown its support behind the Joint Standing Committee on Commerce, Industry and Banking’s proposal seeking an increase in the ratio to 70% of the Thai Credit Guarantee Corporation’s SME soft loan scheme guarantees, up from the existing 40% of the total credit line.

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Thailand’s Agriculture Ministry and Air Force Start Fruit Swap Program to Boost Fruit Prices


BANGKOK (NNT) – Thailand’s Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives and the air force are collaborating on a fruit swap program, to shore up fruit prices.

The air force flew two tons of mangosteen, from the southern province of Surat Thani to Chiang Mai, to be sold in the North. The transport plane is to return with two tons of longan to be sold in the South.

Surat Thani governor Wichawut Jinto said that, this year, his province has produced about 7,000 tons of mangosteen and that the fruit is in over-supply locally. The sluggish economy, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, has reduced the mangosteen price to an all-time low.

He said it is necessary to help fruit growers, by providing them with more channels though which to sell their produce, adding that the program will be expanded to cover a swap of rambutan and rice between the South and the Northeast. This year’s harvest of rambutan in Surat Thani is expected to be around 38,000 tons.

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DBD holds virtual expo for franchises


BANGKOK (NNT) – The Department of Business Development has launched a virtual event for franchises, connecting leading franchises to prospective investors in an attempt to promote economic activity in this 300-billion-baht business sector.

The Department of Business Development (DBD) has launched the DBD Franchise Virtual Event, held in an online format this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This first-ever virtual event for franchises held by the DBD allows successful franchises to present their businesses in the online space for prospective investors, with 80 franchises participating this year, double the number present in conventional events in previous years.

The DBD hopes the event will help promote income distribution and create new business opportunities for entrepreneurs during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The virtual event is now open to interested persons and those seeking to invest in franchises at –, and websites.

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Thai Authorities Plan to Regulate Contaminated Waste Charges


BANGKOK (NNT) – Thailand’s Department of Internal Trade (DIT) plans to hold a meeting on Tuesday with related parties to find ways to regulate contaminated garbage disposal charges, after companies significantly increased their fees.

DIT deputy director-general Chakra Yodmani said the department will discuss fair rates for infected waste disposal with the National Municipal League of Thailand, the Health Department, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) and waste disposal companies.

The DIT said infected waste disposal charges have increased significantly, to more than 50 baht per kilogram, up from 5 baht per kg before the outbreak. During the latest outbreak, the amount of contaminated waste has sharply increased at hospitals, field hospitals, factories and infected patients in home and community isolation.

According to the BMA, the amount of contaminated waste in Bangkok has grown from 61.2 tons a day in April to 120 tons a day by mid-August, which exceeds the capital’s infectious waste incineration capacity of 70 tons a day. At the national level, the amount of contaminated waste rose from 212 tons a day in June to 276 tons a day in July.

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Thailand COVID-19 Situation as of 19 September, 2021, 11.30 Hrs

COVID-19 Daily Vaccinations

COVID-19 Vaccinations in Thailand

Total number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered: 44,485,657

· Total number of people who have received 1 dose: 28,893,133

· Total number of people who have received 2 doses: 14,971,317

· Total number of people who have received 3 doses: 621,207

Number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered: +596,230

· Number of people who have received the first dose: +281,812

· Number of people who have received the second dose: +313,636

· Number of people who have received the third dose: +782

COVID-19 Daily Situation

Total Cases: 1,476,477

New Cases: +13,576 Daily Cases: 13,181 From Prisons: 395)

Receiving Medical Treatment: 131,095

Recovered: 1,330,019

Deaths: 15,363

TAT would like to recommend all to take DMHTT precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19: D – Distancing, M – Mask wearing, H – Handwashing, T – Temperature check, and T – Thai Chana contact tracing application. 

TAT is constantly providing updates on the tourism-related COVID-19 situation in Thailand at the TAT Newsroom (; Facebook (; and Twitter (Tatnews_Org).

For additional information and assistance relating to Thailand’s tourism, contact the TAT Contact Centre 1672 or Tourist Police 1155.

The post Thailand COVID-19 Situation as of 19 September, 2021, 11.30 Hrs appeared first on TAT Newsroom.

Read the complete story here

Thailand’s Digital Promotion Agency Will Support Micro-enterprises and Vendors This Year


BANGKOK (NNT) – Thailand’s Digital Economy Promotion Agency (DEPA) aims to support 10,000 micro-enterprises and vendors in communities and fresh markets nationwide in adopting technological solutions this year, to improve their capabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

DEPA president Nuttapon Nimmanphatcharin said this project has been carried out for three years, helping 234 communities so far. The program offers a broad range of digital solutions for small enterprises, with technologies developed by local startups. These solutions include queuing systems, enterprise resource planning, point of sale systems and digital payments.

He said the solutions are provided free during the trial period while, over the long term, a small usage fee is proposed. The agency targeted another 10,000 micro-enterprises to receive support by the end of this year, while 65,000 are slated for next year.

Mr. Nuttapon explained that the move is part of a measure to provide all people in the grassroots economy greater access to digital technologies and solutions, in line with the government’s digital transformation policy. Under the project, 5,492 small and medium-sized enterprises and shops in communities have adopted digital tech platforms and solutions, such as e-commerce platforms and point of sale tools.

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ASEAN Agrees to Develop Digital Economy for Post-COVID-19 Pandemic…


BANGKOK (NNT) – The ASEAN Economic Ministers (AEM) meeting last week agreed to develop the region’s digital economy, to accelerate the post-COVID pandemic recovery.

Deputy Commerce Minister Sansern Samalapa said the economic ministers discussed guidelines for reviving the bloc’s economy after the pandemic and resolved to push ASEAN to adopt a sustainable digital economy model, which could help the region re-emerge from the pandemic faster and stronger.

He said the digitalization of ASEAN’s economy will see the bloc embrace various plans designed to aid recovery. It will also see the bloc proceed with e-commerce agreements, which will allow small- and medium-sized enterprises from each country reach more consumers.

Mr. Sansern said ministers also followed up on the implementation of integration under the AEC Blueprint 2025, as the success of the blueprint would contribute to regional trade expansion and investments, while removing obstacles to trade. In addition, ASEAN’s list of essential goods, which are exempted or subject to lower trade tariffs, will be expanded by 107 items to include more farm and food products, bringing the number to 257.

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Thailand’s Prime Minister Orders State Agencies to Inject Funding…


BANGKOK (NNT) – Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha wants to see state agencies inject funding into the economy as quickly as possible for the new fiscal year starting in October.

Deputy government spokeswoman Traisuree Traisoranakul said the prime minister has ordered state agencies to accelerate their budgetary spending in the fortnight of the current fiscal year, to help boost the economy. State agencies have large budgets drawn from general spending, the central fund and the budget generated by the one-trillion-baht COVID-19 relief and reconstruction loan.

According to Ms. Traisuree, Gen Prayut told the Cabinet meeting last week that state agencies play an active role in disbursing funds to stimulate the economy. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the state budget is an important driver for the economy.

By the end of last month 269 projects, worth 996 billion baht, or 99% of the loan, had been approved. However, the actual disbursement of funds to implement the projects stood at 841 billion baht. Most of the money, 684 billion baht, went to financing 20 projects aimed at providing compensation for losses or reduction of personal incomes caused by the pandemic and to help other groups, such as farmers.

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