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Digital Ministry urges agencies, firms to step up cybersecurity protection


BANGKOK (NNT) – Following recent cases of cyberattacks at hospitals, the Ministry of s Digital Economy and Society today encouraged government agencies and private firms holding personal information of customers and patients, to ensure their databases are adequately protected, saying these recent cases were not the first.

The Ministry of a Digital Economy and Society (MDES) today held a press conference regarding a recent breech of patient data at Phetchabun Hospital, outlining the types of data leaked and how the incident took place.

The Minister of a Digital Economy and Society, Chaiwut Thanakamanusorn said today the MDES and National Cyber Security Agency (NCSA) has visited the affected hospital and talked to the IT staff to investigate the attack.

Initial investigation shows the breech took place within a web portal and application utilized internally by the hospital, while the lack of updates to the hospital’s IT system posed a vulnerability to cyber attacks.

The authorities have identified data breeched in this incident including patient names, information from the outpatients’ department, doctors schedule, and patient details from a COVID-19 field hospital. Sensitive data related to patients’ health and treatment are reportedly safe.

The hospital has already taken action by removing the software in question from the system, and disabling the system’s connectivity to external networks.

The Minister of a Digital Economy and Society says officials from related agencies are now working to arrest and prosecute those involved, while urging government agencies and organizations that maintain a large database of personal information in their systems, to store the information very carefully, with an adequate level of cybersecurity protection.

For government agencies, the MDES has ThaiCERT and GovernmentCERT teams to provide cybersecurity protection.

Hacking, or any unauthorized access to a system or database, is considered a violation to the Cybersecurity Act and the Personal Data Protection Act, with punishment of up to 1 year’s imprisonment; up to 1 million baht fine, or a combined penalty.

Gp Capt Amorn Chomchoey, Director of Thailand Computer Emergency Response Team (ThaiCERT), said the data breech at Phetchabun Hospital is not the first case to have happened, as previous incidents that may not have been of the same magnitude, were not reported in the news.

He stressed the importance of protective measures in data safety, citing the World Economic Forum’s 0.5% success rate arresting hackers responsible in these breeches.

Other incidents of cyberattacks reported in recent days include a breech of customer data at CP Freshmart. The company today acknowledged that the personal data of its customers, including names, phone numbers, and email addresses had been breeched. They company says however, that no credit card information was leaked.

A ransomware attack also took place at Bhumirajanagarindra Kidney Institute Hospital, where digital files of some 40,000 patients have been encrypted and made inaccessible since Monday morning. The hospital has already filed a case with the police, while attempting to decrypt the affected files instead of paying the ransom demanded.

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SEC, DJOP to promote financial skills among youth


BANGKOK (NNT) – A new program is planned to promote essential financial skills among younger people, providing a foundation for financial management skills for their daily lives and future investments.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Department of Juvenile Observation and Protection (DJOP) have agreed to launched a program promoting essential financial skills for youths and children.

A Memorandum of Understanding on this campaign was agreed to by the SEC Secretary General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol, and the DJOP Director General Pol Lt Col Wannapong Kotcharag in a video conference.

The program, to be developed with the cooperation of the SEC and DJOP, is aimed at promoting essential financial skills for youths and children, such as a financial health assessment, personal income and expense logging, and financial goal setting.

These skills will be passed on to participants via a group of speakers, who will provide theoretical lectures and hands-on workshops.

Personnel from the DJOP, including the Welfare Committee for Juvenile Detention Centers and those working in the community justice network will serve as the speakers.

The DJOP hopes the experience of the personnel working closely with children and youths will allow for an effective and successful program. It also aims to provide the training through local DJOP-operated child and youth training centers across the country.

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Finance Ministry :Thailand not yet in need of IMF foreign reserves…


BANGKOK(NNT)- The Finance Ministry says Thailand has ample international reserves and doesn’t need to use assets allocated by the Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as yet.

Allocations have been made to members of the IMF, including 10 countries in ASEAN. As for Thailand, 4.4 billion US dollars has been allocated, according to the Ministry of Finance.

Pisit Puapan, Executive Director of the Bureau of Macroeconomic Policy in the Fiscal Policy Office, an office of the Ministry of Finance, says that the assistance is being made available to IMF member countries during the pandemic. However, as stated by the Bank of Thailand, there’s no need for Thailand to use the allocation at this point, thanks to its high level of international reserves – around two hundred fifty billion USD. The funds offered by the IMF are equivalent to 2% of it.

According to the IMF, the Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) provision, is an international reserve asset. The value is linked with 5 currencies, the US Dollar, the Euro, the Chinese Yuan, the British Pound and the Japanese Yen, which member countries can exchange for usable currency of its own. To access such funds, countries must pay interest designated by the IMF.

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Thailand COVID-19 Situation as of 9 September, 2021, 12.30 Hrs

COVID-19 Daily Vaccinations

COVID-19 Vaccinations in Thailand

Total number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered: 38,174,738

· Total number of people who have received 1 dose: 26,292,211

· Total number of people who have received 2 doses: 11,272,593

· Total number of people who have received 3 doses: 609,943

Number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered: +713,454

· Number of people who have received the first dose: +338,105

· Number of people who have received the second dose: +372,592

· Number of people who have received the third dose: +2,757

COVID-19 Daily Situation

Total Cases: 1,338,550

New Cases: +16,031 Daily Cases: 15,400 & From Prisons: 631)

Receiving Medical Treatment: 143,038

Recovered: 1,181,781

Deaths: 13,731

TAT would like to recommend all to take DMHTT precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19: D – Distancing, M – Mask wearing, H – Handwashing, T – Temperature check, and T – Thai Chana contact tracing application. 

TAT is constantly providing updates on the tourism-related COVID-19 situation in Thailand at the TAT Newsroom (; Facebook (; and Twitter (Tatnews_Org).

For additional information and assistance relating to Thailand’s tourism, contact the TAT Contact Centre 1672 or Tourist Police 1155.

The post Thailand COVID-19 Situation as of 9 September, 2021, 12.30 Hrs appeared first on TAT Newsroom.

Read the complete story here

Thai Technology Center Launches New Platform to Support Public Sector


BANGKOK (NNT) – Thailand’s National Electronics and Computer Technology Centre (Nectec) has launched a new platform, which will support the public sector’s move to share necessary data for further use by businesses and citizens.

Nectec executive director Chai Wutiwiwatchai said the center continues to support open technology platforms, which are useful for the public, and government agencies can now use the Open-D platform to build their own open data faster.

He said open data is currently vital for the development of innovations and have become a crucial part of digital transformation. Open government data is part of the government’s key policies supporting transparency. State agencies can share quality data for public use. This open data can be leveraged by businesses and individuals for analysis and innovation.

Thailand’s website, developed by the Digital Government Agency, is a platform for open government data. Open data is a global trend that will support marketing, employment and cost saving.

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Law bans toxic sunscreen destroying corals


BANGKOK (NNT) -Thailand has announced laws on coral- damaging suncreen in national parks. Violators could face a fine of up to 100,000 baht.

The Royal Gazette published an announcement made by the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation on banning sunscreens containing toxic compounds, that contribute to the deterioration of the ecosystem and coral reefs, coral lavae, obstruction of reproduction of the reefs and cause coral bleaching in the sea, according to academic findings.

The banned sunscreens consist of those containing Oxybenzone (Benzophenone-3, BP-3), Octinoxate (Ethylhexyl methoxycinnarate), 4-Methylbenzylid Camphor (4MBC) and Butylparaben.

The law was enacted on 6th August, 2021.
There are in total 7 global destinations which impose such bans, according to Conde Nast Traveller magazine, including the State of Hawaii of the US. It has banned the over-the-counter sale of sunscreens containing oxybenzone and octinoxate, to encourage visitors to use the more mineral sunscreens, since the begining of 2021.

U.S. Virgin Islands also outlawed the sale and use of products containing oxybenzone, octoerylene, and octinoxate in March 2020.

Aruba island of the Caribbean, has also done so, but only limits the import, sale, and production of sunscreen containing oxybenzone. Another Caribbean destination, the island of Bonaire, has also restricted the sale of reef-damaging sunscreen products since January 2021.

Tourist hotspots in Mexico, like Cancun, Playa del Carmen, or Cozumel permit only reef-friendly sunscreens to the areas.

The most severe ban has been applied in the Republic of Palau in the Pacific since January 2020. Here, the ban applies to the sale and use of sunscreens containing any of 10 chemicals, including oxybenzone, octinoxate, octocrylene, and certain parabens (or preservatives).

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Thai Labor Ministry Speeds up Plan to Create 400,000 Jobs in…


BANGKOK (NNT) – Thailand’s Labor Ministry is speeding up efforts to create almost 400,000 jobs in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), to help those affected by the COVID-19 outbreak.

Minister Suchart Chomklin said, according to a survey by the Department of Employment, there are 31,556 jobs available in the three EEC provinces of Rayong, Chonburi and Chachoengsao, particularly in the manufacturing, retail and wholesale, automotive engineering, medical supplies, health and logistics industries, as well as in government agencies.

The minister expects the number of available positions in the EEC to rise to 400,000 in the next five years, adding that companies with a high demand for workers include Big C Supercenter, Panus Poultry Group, Italian-Thai Development, Seafco, CH Karnchang and Minor International.

Meanwhile, Department of Employment Director-General Pairoj Chotikasathien said people seeking employment can register on the Smart Job Centre or “Thai Mee Ngan Tham” (Thais have jobs) websites.

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Thailand COVID-19 Situation as of 4 September, 2021, 12.00 Hrs

COVID-19 Daily Vaccinations

COVID-19 Vaccinations in Thailand

Total number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered: 35,218,164

· Total number of people who have received 1 dose: 24,918,054

· Total number of people who have received 2 doses: 9,698,842

· Total number of people who have received 3 doses: 601,268

Number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered: +925,627

· Number of people who have received the first dose: +375,914

· Number of people who have received the second dose: +546,043

· Number of people who have received the third dose: +3,670

COVID-19 Daily Situation

Total Cases: 1,265,082

New Cases: +15,942 Daily Cases: 15,665 & From Prisons: 277)

Receiving Medical Treatment: 155,134

Recovered: 1,097,317

Deaths: 12,631

TAT would like to recommend all to take DMHTT precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19: D – Distancing, M – Mask wearing, H – Handwashing, T – Temperature check, and T – Thai Chana contact tracing application. 

TAT is constantly providing updates on the tourism-related COVID-19 situation in Thailand at the TAT Newsroom (; Facebook (; and Twitter (Tatnews_Org).

For additional information and assistance relating to Thailand’s tourism, contact the TAT Contact Centre 1672 or Tourist Police 1155.

The post Thailand COVID-19 Situation as of 4 September, 2021, 12.00 Hrs appeared first on TAT Newsroom.

Read the complete story here