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People shop for New Year gifts ahead of the holidays


BANGKOK (NNT) – At this time of the year, the shopping atmosphere is usually lively. However, this year, it may somewhat different due to the COVID-19 epidemic. Products that are increasing in popularity are those used to care for health, such as face masks and sanitizer gels.

At Sampheng Market, as well as the usual fare, like decorations for New Year’s events, dolls, etc. there are also face masks, hand sanitizers, disinfecting alcohol, hand creams and temperature measuring devices.

People who bought gifts at Sampheng market said they purchased face shields for their relatives and family members, due to the second wave of COVID-19.

The vendors at Sampheng market admitted that, this year, the market is quieter than las, but they can still sell their products. Shops selling COVID-19 protective equipment see brisk trade.

The people of Songkhla are aware of the second wave of COVID-19. As a result, some people have returned to pharmacies in Hat Yai district, Songkhla province, to buy more face masks, but there has been no hoarding. Meanwhile, sanitizer gel is still selling normally. The pharmacies confirm that products in stock are still sufficient to meet the customers’ demand, but have been preparing to order more in order to meet any increase in demand.

According to the survey, face mask prices were found to be at the standard level, because they are controlled products for which the price cannot be above 2.5 baht per piece and 125 baht per box. Vendors who are found to be selling overpriced face masks will be subject to a fine not exceeding 140,000 baht or imprisonment for not more than seven years or both. Therefore, people do not have to be worried and hoard face masks as they can still buy them as usual.

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Why air is becoming a hot investment


The questions of who owns the air above buildings has long been a hotly contested issue in metropolises like London, New York and Hong Kong.

But as rapid urbanisation takes hold, and the amount of available space shrinks, more cities are waking up to the value of their air.

Air rights – which allow for the control, use or occupation of the space above a property – are increasingly being explored as an option to unlock equity or expand development potential, says Tom Aylward, a manager in Melbourne sales and investments at JLL.

“With land values surging, developers are thinking more creatively about how they maximise value,” he says.

In Melbourne, Australia, where the rate of population growth is among the highest in the world, recent negotiations in the city indicate developers are increasingly turning their eyes to the sky.

Property group Golden Age struck a deal with retail specialist Vicinity Centres to purchase the air rights above The Glen Shopping Centre in suburban Melbourne.

It paved the way for a 555-apartment scheme called Sky Garden due for completion in 2021. The scheme is incorporated into a A$460 million upgrade of the retail precinct completed in 2019.

“Air rights are definitely something that residential and commercial developers are paying much more attention to than they have historically,” Aylward says. “Not least as it can unlock equity in one property, while expanding on the development potential of another.”

Thinking vertically

The concept of air rights – sometimes referred to as transferable-development rights – can be traced back to the ad coelum legal doctrine, which held that property owners had the rights to the land underneath them going all the way to hell, and…

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Thailand BOI Approves New electric vehicles (EV) Package


The Thailand Board of Investment (BOI) today approved the roll out of a comprehensive set of incentives covering all major aspects of the electric vehicles (EV) supply chain, with a focus on battery electric vehicles (BEVs), local production of critical parts, and the inclusion of commercial vehicles of all sizes as well as ships.

“In line with the Government policy to promote electric vehicles across the board, and to answer the radical changes underway in the global car industry, the BOI today approved a package that will accelerate the development of EV production and related supply chain in Thailand, and allow the entire sector to move into higher gear,”

Ms Duangjai Asawachintachit, Secretary General of the BOI

New Package for EV

The new promotion package, which replaces the first EV package which expired in 2018, covers a comprehensive range of electrical vehicles, namely passenger cars, buses, trucks, motorcycles, tricycles, and ships.

Incentive schemes for these different types of electric vehicles can be summarized as follows:

Four wheelers

Qualified projects with a total investment package worth at least 5 billion baht will be granted a 3-year tax holidays for PHEVs, but as for BEVs, an 8-year corporate income tax exemption period will be offered and will be extendable in case of R&D investment/expenditures.

As for qualified projects with total investment worth less than 5 billion baht, 3-year tax holidays will be granted on PHEVs and BEVs, but the tax holidays period for BEVs can be extended if the project meets the set requirements, such as production commencement by 2022, additional part production, minimum…

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Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) situation in Thailand as of 27 December 2020, 11.30 Hrs.

The post Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) situation in Thailand as of 27 December 2020, 11.30 Hrs. appeared first on TAT Newsroom.

Read the complete story here

Environment Min presents 13 New Year’s gifts


BANGKOK (NNT) – The Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment is providing 13 gifts to the public during the New Year period.

Among the gifts are 10 million saplings of 10 types of lucky plants grown in the “Botanicals of Fortune” program. They are to become available from January 1, 2021 at Department of Forest Resource Management offices 1-23, Provincial Halls nationwide and at sapling centers.

From December 28 to January 3 next year, the ministry will be facilitating public travel by land, sea and air with rest stops to be set up at 484 spots along both major and minor roads nationwide. The stops will provide drinking water, coffee, lavatories and space for tents, and work alongside centers aiding tourists along the nation’s coastline, as well as five emergency response centers at airports.

The “Free Viewing for Knowledge of Natural Tourism” program will allow for free entry to natural tourist attractions between December 31st and January 1st for Thai citizens. Foreign tourists will be charged 60-70 baht as a measure to reduce crowding.

From December 1st to February 28th next year, the “Discounted Entry and Goods” program will cut accommodation costs by 20 percent at Suan Pa Mae Yow in Mae Sai district of Chiang Rai, Suan Pa Khao Krayang in Phitsanulok, Suan Pa Mae Lamoh in Tak and the National Elephant Institute.

The ministry will also launch the “Employing Citizens” project to hire 5,500 members of the public to work with the Forestry Industry Organization, and in other relevant activities.

Meanwhile, the “Car Maintenance for Less PM 2.5” program running until February 28th, is providing free car check-ups on vehicles over seven years old, along with discounts on engine oil changes.

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Fisheries Dept campaigning to boost seafood sales amid COVID-19…


BANGKOK (NNT) – The Department of Fisheries is lending a hand to seafood vendors and farmers impacted by the recent outbreak of COVID-19 which has dampened demand, by stepping up health and sanitation checks to bolster consumer confidence.

The Department of Fisheries has launched the “Standardized Thai Marine Animals Against COVID-19” activity, in association with the private sector and seafood farmers, setting up a sales venue at its headquarters to present crab, shrimp and different types of fish, which have been proven safe, enhance consumer confidence. The event was launched with department Director-General Meesak Pakdikong demonstrating the safety of seafood by cooking and eating shrimp.

The Director-General assured the safety of seafood, despite the spread of COVID-19, explaining that the virus is transmitted via the respiratory system and that marine animals do not have the same anatomy. He reminded that Thai fisheries also adhere to GAP standards and that the department closely monitors food safety, from production to retail.

The event drew a large number of interested shoppers, many remarking that they wish to support seafood merchants.

The department has affirmed that seafood is safe for consumption if it meets set standards and is properly washed and cooked.

Footage : กรมประมงจัดกิจกรรม “สัตว์น้ำมาตรฐาน สู้ภัยโควิด”
–โปรย– NN25126306
โดยกรมประมงได้จัดกิจกรรม NN25126306A
ขณะที่บรรยากาศในงานก็มีประชาชนมาเลือกซื้อ NN25126306C
ทั้งนี้ ย้ำว่า อาหารทะเลรับประทานได้ NN25126306E

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96% of Foreign Investors still confident in Thailand says BOI

96% of Foreign Investors still confident in Thailand says BOI

BANGKOK (NNT) – With the COVID-10 pandemic causing significant disruption around the world including in Thailand, the Board of Investment of Thailand’s (BOI) latest survey, shows most foreign investors, estimated at 96%, are still confident in the country, and are willing to bring forward their investments.

The BOI’s latest survey of the confidence of international investors in Thailand was conducted with 600 companies, 96% of which are continuing to make investments in Thailand, followed by 76.67% of companies maintaining the same level of investment, and 19.33% of companies planning to increase their investment value, even amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The BOI’s survey suggests that the most important decision factors encouraging investors to maintain or expand their investments in Thailand are investment promotion packages, materials and parts, and the preparedness of the supporting industries.

Investment promotion packages for 2021

To help boost investment, the BOI yesterday approved investment promotion packages for the next year, with a focus on large investment projects for targeted industries, and a 50% corporate income tax discount for five years as an extra benefit.

The package requires at least a 1 billion baht investment to be made within 12 months after being approved to receive the package. Investors can apply for this package from the first to the last business day of 2021.

Applications for investment promotion packages in Special Economic Zones in 10 provinces and southern border provinces have also been extended for another two years, or until the last business day of 2022.

These packages cover…

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ASEAN endorses framework to promote accessibility for all in digital broadcasting

Joint Statement Conference on the Digital Transformation of Education Systems throughout ASEAN

JAKARTA, 23 December 2020 – The ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Information (AMRI) endorsed the Framework for Promoting Accessibility for All in ASEAN Digital Broadcasting on 14 December.

The Framework provides guidelines for ASEAN Member States (AMS) to promote broadcasting access services, namely Closed Captions; Audio Description; and Sign Language for all groups of people, including the vulnerable population, such as persons with disabilities and senior citizens. The guidelines aim to enhance cooperation on, development of, and commitment to broadcasting access services among AMS.

Recognising that it is crucial for all groups of people to receive accurate and timely public information, especially in times of crises and natural disasters, the framework was introduced as the concept “Accessibility for All” by Thailand at the 4th and 5th Senior Officials Meeting Responsible for Information Working Group on ASEAN Digital Broadcasting, held in Bangkok in July 2018 and July 2019.

The concept refers to the above-mentioned broadcasting access services, which will create opportunities and reduce barriers for all groups of people, enabling them to gain access to broadcasting content.

Moving forward, three key stakeholders, government; broadcasters/private sector; and people and civil society, will be engaged to promote and implement broadcasting access services in AMS. The framework and its implementation will help ensure that people have access to information and content, and that broadcasters and media organisations will fulfil their responsibility in providing broadcasting services to all groups of people. The framework will also ensure the realisation of ASEAN as an inclusive and resilient community.

Moreover, the Framework was built on the shared goals of the Sustainable Development Goals, the ASEAN Vision 2025 for building an inclusive and resilient community, measures to promote a high quality of life and equitable access to opportunities and to protect human rights, as outlined in the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint 2025, and the overarching message of “ASEAN: A Community of Opportunities for All”, enunciated in the ASEAN Communication Master Plan II (2018-2025).

The Framework will be one of the outcome documents of the 15th ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Information (AMRI) meeting, to be hosted by Thailand in February 2021.

The Framework for Promoting Accessibility for All in ASEAN Digital Broadcasting is available here:download

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