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MHESI promotes “Driving Thailand Together Project" in Lampang


LAMPANG (NNT) – The Minister of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation has promoted the “Driving Thailand Together Project” in Lampang.

Mr Anek Laothammatas, Minister of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, viewed the exhibition on advancing the country in terms of higher education, science, research and innovation to support development of Lampang in six areas: community tourism, safe agriculture, water management, waste management, information technology system and comprehensive development of pineapples. The initial operational unit has been established to support development of the province.

Lampang has more advantages than other provinces because it has received an annual budget of 300 million baht for the support of the development of Mae Moh Power Plant for five years, apart from the government’s budget. He called on Lampang people to love their hometown in order to create the desire for development of Lampang. He said he would like Lampang to build a provincial education hall to create an educational center for Lampang people, to study how to produce ceramic bowls, carriages, watershed preservation and pineapple production by allowing Lampang people to design and come up with the courses themselves. It is not necessary for universities to adopt the courses because they are meant for the general public. The government sector is ready to fully support the courses to ensure that they meet the needs of the local people.

Lampang has also asked various agencies to help solve problems related to farming, tourism, waste management, natural resources and education.

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IMF inches up Thailand’s GDP forecast from -7.7% to -7.1%

IMF inches up Thailand’s GDP forecast from -7.7% to -7.1%

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has adjusted Thailand’s GDP growth forecast, from -7.7% to  -7.1% for 2020.

According to Finance Minister Arkhom Termpittayapaisith, this is a sign that the Thai economy is recovering after the Government eased lockdown restrictions.

For emerging markets and developing economies, growth is forecast at –3.3% in 2020, 0.2 percentage point weaker than in the June 2020 WEO Update, strengthening to 6% in 2021.

The revision reflects better than expected second quarter GDP outturns, mostly in advanced economies, where activity improved sooner than expected after they scaled lockdowns back in May and June, as well as indicators of a stronger recovery in the third quarter.

In 2021 global growth is projected at 5.2 percent, slightly lower than in the June 2020 WEO Update, reflecting the more moderate downturn projected for 2020 and consistent with expectations of persistent social distancing.

IMF projects global growth at −4.4 percent in 2020, a less severe contraction than forecast in the June 2020 World Economic Outlook (WEO) Update.

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Thailand’s Electronics Sector Still a Magnet for Investors, says BOI


The COVID-19 pandemic and the US-China trade friction have failed to slow Thailand’s resilient electronics and electrical (E&E) industry which on the contrary many investors see as a haven, Thailand Board of Investment (BOI) data shows.

In the first nine months of 2020, the number of foreign and domestic companies which applied to invest in Thailand’s E&E sector actually rose to 106 projects, from 94 projects in the same period in 2019, making it by far the most popular sector, totaling over $1.2 billion in investment applications submitted to the BOI.

With a supply chain of some 2,500 companies and 800,000 employees ranging from researchers with doctoral degrees to vocationally trained technicians and experienced assembly line workers, it is the country’s largest manufacturing employer, according to Thailand’s Electrical and Electronics Institute (EEI).

E&E is fundamental to Thailand 4.0

“E&E is fundamental to Thailand 4.0”, said EEI president Narat Rujirat, referring to the innovation-driven growth strategy of Southeast Asia’s second largest economy.

This ambitious vision involves creating a regional hub for futuristic industries including medical devices, electric vehicles, robotics and automation. At its heart is the technological transformation of one of Thailand’s long-established core industries, electrical and electronics, into what is today termed “Smart E&E” and the emergence of the so-called Internet of Things (IOT).

Thailand’s E&E sector has burgeoned into a global powerhouse and is the world’s second largest exporter of computer hard disc drives, air conditioners and washing machines, according…

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Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) situation in Thailand as of 14 November 2020, 11.30 Hrs.

The post Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) situation in Thailand as of 14 November 2020, 11.30 Hrs. appeared first on TAT Newsroom.

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PTTGC pushes practical Circular Economy implementation


BANGKOK (NNT) – The Circular Economy concept is now being promoted by many sectors for actual implementation in daily lives and in business. A world-class meeting has taken place to promote circular economy businesses which focus on the upcycling of materials.

The GC Circular Living Symposium 2020: Tomorrow Together event, promotes the actual implementation of the Circular Economy concept in real life practices, paving the way for a revolution of natural resources consciousness.

The event, organized by PTT Global Chemical (PTTGC) and partners, showcased items made from upcycled materials, such as clothes, bags, and shoes, as well as other items.

Participants will learn from persons promoting the circular economy concept from around the world, including their vision and management strategies for sustainability, along with the smart garbage management system, innovations in recycling and upcycling, and the integration of community wisdom to give garbage added value.

The Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment Varawut Silpa-archa said today the event marks a significant step in the country becoming a society of recycling, and is also an important step in the drive towards being a circular and green economy.

He said Thailand is ready to implement technologies in the upcycling process, and encourage the general public to choose environmentally friendly products.

Meanwhile, PTTGC’s CEO Kongkrapan Intarajang said he is confident the event will help spark business ideas on a circular economy, and create momentum for the circular economy concept to result in practical implementations.

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DPM Prawit Follows Up on Nong Han Lake Development Plan


SAKON NAKHON (NNT) – Today, Deputy PM Prawit Wongsuwan visited Sakon Nakhon province to attend a meeting on the Nong Han lake development plan, focusing on the benefit to the public.

Following long-standing problems at Nong Han lake such as contaminated water, weeds, invasion by the public, and shallowing, local authorities and the government agreed to create a plan for the lake’s rehabilitation and development.

Deputy PM Prawit has ordered the Office of the National Water Resources (ONWR) and related authorities to accelerate the work in order to benefit the people as soon as possible. For instance, removing weed and eliminating water contamination will make it possible to establish a freshwater fishery. And with a better irrigation system and larger capacity, the lake could provide water for agriculture and household use all year round.

Meanwhile, Secretary-General of ONWR, Somkiat Prajumwong said today the plan comprises five benefits of development – household use, agriculture and manufacturing, water capacity and irrigation, quality of water, and flood and drought prevention. With these aspects fully covered, the government believes that Sakon Nakhon and areas nearby will for the first time, benefit from a stable water resource, and attractive lake destination.

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Why 5G is racing ahead in Asia – Real Estate, Tech


Asia Pacific is leading the charge for the next generation of mobile connectivity. Major cities across the region are rolling out 5G networks this year, which are poised to reshape connectivity and big data with blazing-fast download speeds.

Hong Kong, Seoul, Sydney, Taipei, Manila, Tokyo and Shenzhen have already introduced 5G networks. In May, Bangkok became the first city in Southeast Asia to roll out a 5G network, while Singapore in August started a six-month trial.

“With more than half of the world’s Internet users situated in Asia Pacific – a majority of whom only use mobile devices – it is highly likely that most of tomorrow’s digital tools will come from the region and be shaped by the population’s mobile-first habits”.

Jordan Kostelac, director of proptech, JLL Asia Pacific

With 1.14 billion subscribers, Asia Pacific is the largest region for 5G adoption. It could account for almost 65 percent of global 5G subscriptions by 2024, according to technology analyst GlobalData.

Governments and businesses are keen to take advantage of 5G technology. High-speed connectivity, reduced latency and greater reliability open up the potential for more widespread digitalisation of industries and allow businesses better access to the benefits of the internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence and big data.

“In previous generations of wireless internet, download speeds were the focus because information was largely stored on individual devices,” says Kostelac. “Cloud computing has shifted this requirement to focus on more upstream bandwidth. With greater capacity, 5G networks allow exponentially more data to be collected and organised to train AI and automate more of everything humans do.”

The impact on cities

For real…

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Thais encouraged to travel more to help stimulate economy – Tourism, Travel


BANGKOK (NNT) – With more public holidays coming up in November and December, the government is encouraging people to travel to different parts of the country and use the government’s spending stimulus measures.

As of November 8th, the government’s We Travel Together campaign had 2,275,361 accommodation and 1,828,842 air ticket privileges for travelers.

40 percent discount

The campaign offers eligible applicants a 40-percent discount on rooms, limited to a maximum of 3,000 baht per room per night, with the subsidy capped at 10 rooms or 10 nights. They will also receive food and travel coupons worth up to 900 baht per day.

When tourists travel by air, the government will refund 40 percent of the ticket price. The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) is considering ways to offer more convenience to travelers, while encouraging more people to take part in this campaign.

2000 baht for medical personnel

The government’s Kamlang Jai campaign funds holiday travel for public health volunteers and medical personnel at Subdistrict Health Promotion hospitals. The subsidy is limited to 2,000 baht per tourist for a trip of two days and one night, and travel spending can also be used to claim tax deductions.

The cabinet has endorsed extra public holidays on November 19th and 20th, which are on Thursday and Friday, resulting in a four-day holiday. In…

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