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Thailand seeks shorter quarantine period to attract more foreign tourists – Tourism, Travel


Thailand is seeking ways to shorten the 14-day quarantine for foreign tourists to attract more arrivals as the country opens up.

The Public Health Ministry has instructed the Disease Control Department (DCD) to plan appropriate quarantine periods.

Kiattiphum Wongrajit, ministry permanent secretary, said on Wednesday that the country is mulling shorter quarantine periods to encourage more foreign tourists.

Thailand is desperate to relaunch its tourist industry to boost an economy shrinking fast under the impact of COVID-19. The country is currently open to certain groups of Thais and foreigners (diplomats, businesspeople, etc) but all face mandatory 14-day quarantine.

Thailand’s Cabinet has approved a special tourist visa (STV) for long-staying visitors (90 days) in a bid to revive the tourism sector in Thailand.

Under the STV scheme, long-staying visitors can stay in the country for 90 days, which can be extended twice, each for a further 90 days.

The STV will be granted to long-staying visitors who comply with Thailand’s COVID-19 control and preventive measures. They will be required to undergo a 14-day alternative local state quarantine (ALSQ) upon their arrival.

The DCD has been tasked with estimating the effectiveness of different quarantine periods in preventing the spread of COVID-19. Given that the baseline of 14 days…

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MNRE to Secure Sustainable Food Supply


BANGKOK (NNT) – Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has created a network of sustainable production and consumption, hoping to encourage everyone to use more environment-friendly products.

Department of Environmental Quality Promotion has opened a platform to spread knowledge and understanding by sharing experiences of eco-friendly lifestyles, based on circular economy principles. The plan aims to raise awareness of the environment, in terms of purchasing products and services, as well as consumption patterns, in order to achieve the goals of the sufficiency economy philosophy.

There are 6 organizations working together in the project, comprising the Department of Environmental Quality Promotion, the Thailand Sustainable Consumption and Production Network, the PPP Project, the Global Compact Network Thailand, the Thai General Education Network and the GAP Network, aiming to make more people live environmentally friendly lives.

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SME Bank pilots 6-month debt moratorium program


BANGKOK (NNT) – The SME Development Bank (SME D Bank) is organizing the “New Day, Go Forth” program to aid small and medium sized enterprises still unable to pay off debts due to the current economic situation.

The program is being conducted in collaboration with the Islamic Bank of Thailand and Sukhumvit Asset Management (SAM) in direct assistance of businesses hampered by COVID-19. Those entering the project will be rehabilitated before having their debt terms renegotiated. They will also receive development assistance from the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Industry, Office of Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion and Thai Credit Guarantee Corporation, who will subsequently provide them with access to capital.

SME D Bank President Nartnaree Rathapat said that the bank has suspended principle payments and automatic interest payments for six months now, in aid of COVID-19 hit SMEs, providing over 60 billion baht in assistance with further help to come. From October 22, when suspensions are set to expire, clients who made regular payments up until July 31 this year will be able to have their principle payment suspended for another six months.

The bank has also been providing knowledge and training about online commerce, attracting over 20,000 participants so far.

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TINT appoints radio pharmaceuticals reseller in Myanmar


BANGKOK(NNT) – The Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT) has signed a deal with Nagase Thailand to appoint the company as an official reseller of the radiopharmaceuticals product Technetium-99m in Myanmar.

TINT Executive Director Thawatchai Onjun said today that the institute has appointed Nagase Thailand an official reseller of a therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals Technetium-99m in Myanmar, marking the first attempt by Thailand to make a commercial sale of radiopharmaceuticals made in Thailand in a foreign country.

Technetium-99m is a radiopharmaceuticals product commonly used at hospitals in physical examinations. TINT expects the two-year contract for sales in Myanmar will help initiate sales to other countries, especially in the ASEAN region, helping stress the institute’s position as the region’s leader in nuclear technology.

Nagase Thailand’s Managing Director, Kenichi Kurimoto said the company hopes to extend the business beyond Myanmar to other countries, such as Malaysia, as well as ASEAN countries where the company has local offices, in both Laos and Cambodia.

ASEAN countries have previously relied on the importation of radiopharmaceuticals from Japan, South Korea, and European countries, with only limited local manufacturing and sales within the region. TINT is positive made-in-Thailand radiopharmaceuticals will be internationally accepted for their quality.

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Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) situation in Thailand as of 10 October 2020, 11.30 Hrs.

The post Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) situation in Thailand as of 10 October 2020, 11.30 Hrs. appeared first on TAT Newsroom.

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ASEAN customs officers strengthen cooperation network

ASEAN customs officers strengthen cooperation network

JAKARTA, 9 October 2020 – The Indonesian Directorate General of Customs and Excise hosted the Fourth Joint Customs Middle-Management Programme (4th JCMMP) on 6-7 October. Representatives from eight ASEAN Member States and Australia attended the two-day virtual event, dubbed as the networking platform for future customs leaders in the region.

The event promoted knowledge and experience sharing on handling emerging issues in the region, and strengthening the relationships of ASEAN Customs administrations’ middle-management level officers.

Participants discussed various topical issues, such as (i) lessons-learned from the COVID-19 outbreak, (ii) coordinated border management, (iii) eradicating drugs smuggling, (iv) managing illicit trade in waste and other environmentally sensitive commodities, (v) risk management, (vi) cooperation between Customs and Tax Authorities, and (vii) establishment of effective joint border protection to combat transnational organised crime.

Indonesia’s Director General of Customs and Excise Heru Pambudi stated that, as the current Vice-Chair of the World Customs Organisation for Asia Pacific, Indonesia remains committed to promote cooperation and partnership among middle-management level officers in the region.

He asserted that JCMMP would become a flagship programme and an example for other blocs and regions in the world in preparing future customs leaders.

On the last day of the programme, participants participated in a fireside-chat session with the Directors-General of Customs attending the event. They exchanged views on post-pandemic challenges, technology leverage, collaboration across borders, and strengthening the Asia-Pacific engagements in multilateral forums.

The fifth edition of the programme is scheduled to be in 2021 in Australia.


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Meat Avatar launches plant-based meat


BANGKOK (NNT) – Let’s look at a food innovation for people who don’t eat meat or can’t eat but want to eat it. Today, there are more options. Makro has supported a Thai startup in launching plant-based meat or meat which is made from plant material. It is a meat substitute that provides complete nutrition for healthy diners.

Plant-based meat is a processed food innovation by Meat Avatar. It is produced by a Thai start-up entrepreneur who has processed plants into meat substitute that can be used in cooking. It is like real meat in terms of smell, taste and appearance and it is an alternative food for consumers who are health conscious.

Mr Wiphoo Lertsuraphibool, one of the founders of Meat Avatar, said the company buys raw materials from Thai farmers and processes it to help farmers earn more and improve the quality of Thai agricultural products to enhance their competitiveness in the world market. In the first phase, the products will be sold through Makro, and at hotels, restaurants and cafes. The company will also focus on penetrating the Asian market and launch Avatar Kitchen for food delivery in response to the behavior of consumers who like to order food online in the new normal era. It also aims to become a manufacturer of raw material for food processing plants.

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Thailand to begin first month of foreign visitor arrivals – Tourism, Travel


BANGKOK (NNT) – The kingdom will this month begin to open up to more groups of foreign visitors.

On October 8th, the kingdom will be receiving its first group of foreign visitors, as the country gradually opens itself through the issuance of the new Special Tourist Visa (STV), permitting foreign visitors up to 270 days in the kingdom.

The first group will comprise 150 Chinese visitors who have scheduled a charter flight from Guangzhou to Phuket. There are also another seven international business operators coming to Thailand on the same day.

Foreign Ministry Deputy Spokesperson, Natapanu Nopakun shared that following the first flight, the kingdom will be receiving other special flights this month, mostly bringing in a hundred or so people on each flight.

14-day quarantine required

All inbound passengers will be screened upon arrival and transported to each individual’s chosen hotel for the required 14-day quarantine. Prior to their release, their last COVID-19 test will be conducted to ensure no virus leakage.

Natapanu also shared that demand from foreigners wishing to enter Thailand has been high. Since the government announced the introduction of the new STV visa and the expansion of eligible groups of visitors to the kingdom, Thai Embassies worldwide have received many applications.

He assured the applicants that all Thai…

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