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The Thai economy further contracted in April 2020 says Bank of Thailand – Thailand Business News


The tightening of COVID-19 containment measures in both Thailand and abroad temporarily disrupted several economic activities. The tourism sector substantially contracted due to Thailand’s inbound travel restriction measures.

Commerce Ministry keeps pork at 130 baht per kilogram


BANGKOK (NNT) – The Ministry of Commerce has asked for cooperation from swine raisers and traders to maintain the wholesale price at 80 baht per kilogram, to keep the retail price at 150 to 160 baht. As a result, many retailers are selling pork at only 130 baht per kilogram.

The Deputy Prime Minister and Commerce Minister, Jurin Laksanawisit, inspected the price of pork at Makro Nakorn-In, confirming the meat is being sold to consumers at 130 baht a kilogram. Mr. Jurin found the product being sold at the same price at Tesco Lotus and Tops Supermarket outlets while revealing Blue Flag pork was also on offer in 44 provinces.

The Deputy Prime Minister said all three major retailers have affirmed they will keep red pork meat at no more than 130 baht per kilogram while the Thai Fresh Market Association has compelled its members in Bangkok and its vicinity to maintain the retail price at 150 baht per kilogram. The association added, however, that it may reconsider the cap if farm prices are not kept at 80 baht per kilogram and will look at the export sector.

The President of the Thai Swine Raisers Association, Surachai Sutthitham, explained that raised pork prices are due to improvements being made to farm systems to protect Thai swine from the African Swine Fever virus, pushing up production costs. However, exports may be adjusted in favor of satisfying domestic demand.

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Covid-19 Could Push Half A Billion People Into Poverty

Covid-19 Could Push Half A Billion People Into Poverty

Charity group Oxfam has warned that a recession caused by Covid-19 could push an extra half a billion people into poverty – 8 percent of the world’s population – unless urgent action is taken. 

A global recession could reverse up to three decades of improvements in living standards and, according to one estimate, push 420-580 million people worldwide into poverty. The World Food Program, has warned that COVID-19 will likely double the number of people suffering from acute hunger, to 265 million.

  • COVID-19 could spark a global recession, reversing up to three decades of improvements in living standards.
  • According to one estimate, 420-580 million people worldwide could be pushed into poverty.
  • It’s vital that governing bodies and world banks work together to support the countries than are unable to support themselves, write two former world leaders and two economists.

The most serious scenario involves a 20 percent fall in income which would result in an additional 548 million people earning less than the World Bank poverty threshold of $5.50 per day.

Poverty rate increased from 7.2 percent to 9.8 percent

Between 2015 and 2018, the poverty rate in Thailand increased from 7.2 percent to 9.8 percent, and the absolute number of people living in poverty rose from 4.85 million to over 6.7 million. The increase in poverty in 2018 was widespread – occurring in all regions and in 61 out of 77 provinces.

Although lockdowns are being eased in many places, the daily number of new COVID-19 cases worldwide recently reached its highest level yet, while the pandemic’s devastating economic toll continues to mount as new epicenters…

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How I Started My Online Entertainment Business -Case Study


Creating my own online entertainment business was an experience of a lifetime. The online entertainment industry comprises of series, shows as well as online games. These online games include some gambling sites as well. 

How Did Everything Start?

We all are aware that the internet has taken over everything. Hence, I could not think of a better business option than an online entertainment business. This service facilitates the user to engage in entertainment and play games in a better way.

The website had to be designed in a way that appeals to the users. The users should find it pretty easy and straightforward to navigate through the website. This urge of doing a little business out of online entertainment led me to create a website. 

How to Get Content?

Getting content for an online entertainment business website is very important. It is one of the most crucial steps in the success of a business. Given below are some levels of getting the right content.

  1. Get the purpose of your website right: This is the first and foremost step in creating an online entertainment business website. The creator should know what kind of site is to be developed to get the design of the website correct. The website should satisfy all the demands of the user as this shall get maximum benefits to the owner.
  2. Plan the design of the pages: For every website, the most important thing is the web pages it has. The design of these web pages determines how attractive your website will be. There are several types of web pages, like static and dynamic. The static web pages provide information. However, dynamic web pages are interactive. This will make your…

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Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) situation in Thailand as of 23 July 2020, 11.30 Hrs.

The post Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) situation in Thailand as of 23 July 2020, 11.30 Hrs. appeared first on TAT Newsroom.

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Cabinet approves three projects, worth 4 billion baht, to create…


BANGKOK(NNT) – After the government approved seven economic restoration projects, with a combined budget of 400 billion baht, the Cabinet yesterday endorsed three more projects, with a combined budget of 4 billion baht, to help create 39,000 more jobs.
Deputy Government Spokeswoman, Dr. Ratchada Thanadirek, said the first project is the Ministry of Interior’s 1.08-billion-baht project to have volunteer caregivers look after dependent elderly persons. The project will enable people affected by the COVID-19 situation to work as caregivers for 12 months, starting this month. They will receive training and learn skills needed to look after the elderly in their communities. The project is expected to create jobs for 15,548 people.
The second is the sub-district integrated development project, which will promote public participation in solving people’s problems and development of local areas. The 2.7-billion-baht project will employ 14,510 people, or two people in each sub-district, for 12 months, starting this August. Their monthly salary will be 15,000 baht.
The third project, proposed by the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, will help communities generate more income by monitoring the construction of firebreaks. With a budget allocation of 246.69 million baht, the project will employ 9,137 people. They will earn 300 baht a day, or 15,000 baht a month, from July 2020 to May 2021.
Dr. Ratchada said a platform will be set up to record the employment information from different projects under the loan decree, in order to prevent duplicate recipients.

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Govt continues to promote saving among the self-employed


BANGKOK (NNT) – During the COVID-19 situation, many people have to stop working and trading, and some people have become unemployed. This makes us realize that saving is important. The government has been trying to encourage Thai people, especially self-employed people, to save money through the National Savings Fund (NSF), which currently has more than 2.3 million members.

Ms. Ratchada Thanadirek, Government Deputy Spokesperson, disclosed that, during the past, year the NSF has worked with the Ministry of Interior to increase its membership and has joined hands with financial institutions and the private sector to facilitate membership application and fund payment. Payments can now be deposited at more than 13,000 counter service branches.

The cabinet meeting last Tuesday reported on a significant increase in the number of NSF members. As of March 2020, there were 2.35 million members, exceeding the target of more than one million. From 2018-2019, there were around 700,000 members only. The NSF will create village savings representatives, to promote knowledge and understanding about the benefits of saving with the NSF. The goal is to increase the number of members by 75,000 this year.

People aged 15-60 are eligible to apply. They must make a minimum contribution of 50 baht a month, up to a maximum of 13,200 baht a year, and the amount is matched fully or in part by the government, up to a prescribed limit.

The government will contribute up to 50 percent of savings, but not more than 600 baht a year for workers aged 15-30, up to 80 percent but not more than 960 baht a year for workers aged 31-50, and up to 100 percent but not more than 1,200 baht a year for those over 50. Those interested can apply for membership at state banks, provincial offices of the treasury nationwide and on the NSF application.

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95% support ban on foreign arrivals – Tourism


Over 90% of respondents to a recent opinion poll fear the prospect of a second wave of COVID-19 infections and want a complete ban on foreign arrivals in Thailand, according to a Suan Dusit Poll.

The poll was carried out online on July 14-18 among 1,459 people throughout the country, shortly after an Egyptian airman and a Sudanese girl were found to have been infected with Covid-19 after they were allowed to enter the country.

The incident, particularly in Rayong and Eastern Thailand, notably triggered fear and anger over what happened, although no subsequent infections were recorded, and drew an apology from the Thai Prime Minister, Prayut Chan ocha.

Thailand has been free of local transmissions for 55 days, but an opinion survey showed that the vast majority of Thais are still against opening the doors to foreigners.

On the question of how to prevent a second wave of infections, 94.51% want the Government to forbid all foreigners from entering Thailand, 86.41% suggest stringent screening processes, 83.80% say people must wear face masks and regularly wash their hands.

73.8% think there will be another lockdown

Asked to mention five things that would worry them if there were a new wave of the Covid-19 spread, with each respondent allowed to give more than one answer, 95.89% cited the degree to which the disease spread; 94.45% unemployment; 92%…

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