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BAAC ready to pay 5,000 baht in compensation to farmers, starting…

Baac Ready To Pay 5,000 Baht In Compensation To Farmers,

BANGKOKRegarding the government’s financial aid of 5,000 baht per farm household for three months, the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) is now ready to transfer the cash subsidy to 10 million registered farmers, who have been affected by COVID-19.

The BAAC President, Apirom Sukprasert, explained the process of the 5,000-baht cash handout scheme. Once the BAAC receives verified information about the 10 million registered farmers from the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, the bank will transfer 5,000 baht to their bank accounts for three months, starting May 15 this year. About 1 million farmers will receive the financial assistance per day.

Farmers who already have a bank account with the BAAC do not need to open another account, while those without a BAAC account can provide their financial information at เยียวยาเกษตรกร.com, starting May 7.

Eligible recipients include farmers who have registered with the Department of Agricultural Extension, the Department of Fisheries and the Department of Livestock Development, as well as newly registered farmers. However, they must not be associated with the government’s 5,000-baht cash handout for workers affected by the COVID-19 crisis.

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Deputy Interior Minister checks Prachin Buri’s drought mitigation projects

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PRACHIN BURI (NNT) – A Deputy Minister of the Interior yesterday visited Prachin Buri to observe ongoing drought related projects in the area.

Deputy Minister of the Interior Nipon Bunyamanee made the visit to follow up on the province’s drought prevention and mitigation plans for 2019-2020, with a chain of command established according to the disaster prevention and mitigation laws.

He then observed the operations of a COVID-19 screening center at Thap Lan National Park, where he met and expressed his support for health care workers and officials.

Meanwhile, in Ayutthaya, the 1st Army Region Chief Lt Gen Thammanoon Vithi, inspected a dredging project designed to improve the water flow between the Chao Phraya River and Prem Prachakon Canal.

The project is intended to improve water quality in the canal, reduce the volume of common water hyacinths, supply more water to farmers by the canal, and prevent flooding in Bangkok.

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Thai economy contracted at a higher rate in March

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 ​In March 2020, the Thai economy contracted at a higher rate than the previous month, said the Bank of Thailand in a press release. 

The COVID-19 outbreak affected economic activities more severely in all aspects. In particular, the tourism sector severely contracted due to international travel restriction measures in many countries including Thailand.

Merchandise exports excluding gold contracted at a higher rate, consistent with declines in trading partner demand and global crude oil prices. Private consumption indicators contracted as a result of weakening supporting factors and tightening COVID-19 control measures.

As a consequence of the contraction in domestic and external demand, manufacturing production and private investment indicators further contracted. Only public spending expanded thanks to disbursement after the enactment of the FY2020 budget.

 On the stability front, some indicators deteriorated. Headline inflation became negative due to a sharp contraction in energy prices following global crude oil prices.

GDP growth forecast remains unchanged at -5.3% for 2020, before picking up at 3% in 2021.

The labor market was more vulnerable

The current account registered a smaller surplus owing to the lower trade balance from the increase in merchandise imports value, and the decline in travel receipts. Capital and financial accounts posted deficits from both asset and liability positions. However, the overall stability remained sound.

Details of the economic conditions are as follows:

Foreign tourist arrivals severely contracted at 76.4 percent

 The number of foreign tourist arrivals severely…

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TAT update: Cabinet approves one-month Emergency Decree extension, ease of restrictions

Tat Update: Cabinet Approves One Month Emergency Decree Extension, Ease Of
Tat Update: Cabinet Approves One Month Emergency Decree Extension, Ease Of

Bangkok, 28 April, 2020, at 13.30 Hrs. – The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) would like to provide the latest update that the Thai Cabinet today approved the Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration’s (CCSA) proposal to extend the Emergency Decree for one more month, starting from 1 May, 2020.

According to Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha, some restrictions under the Emergency Decree will remain in place, including the closure of entry/access points (land, sea and air) to the country, nationwide night-time curfew from 22.00 – 04.00 Hrs., limitations on commuting between provinces, and no large gatherings. The ban on all incoming passenger flights has been extended until 31 May, 2020.

The Cabinet has also approved relaxation of some restrictions, which will gradually be introduced in four stages every 14 days. Details are being worked out and will be announced within this week.

The Prime Minister asked the public to continue to follow the ‘social distancing’ rules and comply with the government’s measures to help curb the spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Today, Thailand reported seven new COVID-19 cases – yet the lowest for this month and marks the second day in a row that the number of new cases dropped below 10.

The seven new cases brought the total to 2,938. Of these, 90.27% (2,652) have recovered, 1.84% (54) have died – two deaths today, and 7.89% (270) are receiving treatment.

TAT is constantly providing updates on the tourism-related COVID-19 situation in Thailand at the TAT Newsroom ( For additional information and assistance relating to Thailand’s tourism, contact the TAT Contact Centre 1672 or Tourist Police 1155.

For constant updates of Thailand’s COVID-19 control measures for travellers, please visit

This press release is published on 28 April, 2020, at 13.30 Hrs. All information is accurate at the current time but can be changed depending on the situation. The TAT Newsroom will not be updating this press release but will issue new updates as soon as further information becomes available.

The post TAT update: Cabinet approves one-month Emergency Decree extension, ease of restrictions appeared first on TAT Newsroom.

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RAOT promotes rubber as anatomical model material

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BANGKOK (NNT) – In another attempt to increase domestic rubber market demand, the Rubber Authority of Thailand (RAOT) has signed an agreement with the Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University on development of natural rubber for the manufacture of anatomical models.

The RAOT’s President Praphan Boonyakiat said today that medical schools in Thailand currently have to import many expensive medical instruments, as well as anatomical models, to be used in medical training.

The two organizations have joined forces to use natural rubber as the main ingredient in producing medical instruments and anatomical models, as well as other learning equipment, which can help cut back costs.

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Piyamit Srithara said today that hospitals currently use many items made from rubber, such as patients’ pillows, mattresses, and shoe soles, however hospitals still need to import foreign-made anatomical models for training purposes, costing some 150,000 baht per set, while domestic rubber-made models cost only 15,000 baht per set.

Under this cooperation, the RAOT will be delivering some 3,000 rubber models to Ramathibodi Hospital for medical use. This would help increase domestic rubber demand, and help the country raise the domestic natural rubber usage rate from 15-17 percent to 20-25 percent annually, or increasing domestic consumption to 300,000 tons each year.

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The Change of the Entertainment Business in Bangkok due to Covid-19

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The Change Of The Entertainment Business In Bangkok Due To.jpg

However, as the reality of COVID-19 dawned, the usually fast-paced city was deserted as the government closed crowded spaces such as nightclubs and bars on 18 March.

The night before closure, Bangkok was lively as dancers entertained the decreasing number of revelers at the city’s bands and nightclubs. The residents were prepared for the shutdown even before its announcement.

An anonymous source revealed to us, “The shutdown is a good idea, in light of the current situation because the city receives many foreign visitors.”

Another source, who is a pub owner in one of the city’s nightclub districts said, “even if the government does not order us to close, we have to close our businesses for the sake of our safety.”

Nationwide’s curfew from 10PM to 4AM has shutdown Bangkok’s nightlife.

He closed his business for the first time in over 20 years because of the declining number of customers.

Nightclubs and bars contribute more than $5.5 billion a year to the overall economy and Bangkok is famous around the world as a city with a booming nighttime economy

Aside from bars and nightclubs, Bangkok has closed down international schools, public schools, universities and churches.

It also closed other entertainment centers and venues, including theatres, cinemas, gyms and spas, boxing rings,…

Read the complete story on Thailand Business News

DNP chief in Nakhon Si Thammarat on wildfire prevention measures

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NAKHON SI THAMMARAT (NNT) – The Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation (DNP) chief has visited Nakhon Si Thammarat to follow up on wildfire prevention measures for the local peat swamp forest,

The DNP Director General Thanya Netithammakun inspected the wildfire prevention and mitigation plan for the local Khuan Khreng swamp forest in Nakhon Si Thammarat.

He also met with local officials to deliver work policies, urging them to create a good understanding with villagers.

Khuan Khreng swamp forest is seeing less precipitation this year, posing a higher risk of forest fire. The DNP has set up a forest fire control center for Khuan Khreng swamp forest, constructed 91 check dams, deployed forest fire patrol units, and prepared forest firefighting support units to respond in normal, severe, and critical situations.

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Commerce Ministry helping fruit farmers sell their products online

Commerce Ministry Helping Fruit Farmers Sell Their Products Online

BANGKOK(NNT) – The COVID-19 outbreak has caused Thai fruit exports to slow down due to the lockdown of many partner countries. The Ministry of Commerce, has therefore, sought ways to solve the problem by launching a campaign to increase domestic consumption and designating May and June “Thai Fruits Golden Months”.

Under the Thai Fruits Golden Months campaign, the Commerce Ministry is collaborating with seven e-commerce platforms including Thailandpost, Shopee, Lazada, JD Central, Cloudmall, and The Hub Thailand to sell premium fresh fruit of export quality such as mangoes, durians, mangosteen and other fruit that will gradually enter the markets but cannot at present be exported to overseas markets.

The Department of Internal Trade has also distributed 200,000 boxes to fruit farmers for online sales. The campaign is expected to be supported by 50 farmer groups, community enterprises, and cooperatives as well as exporters. There are currently over 60 products for sale on various platforms.

The Department of International Trade Promotion (DITP) has continued to organize online business matching events between foreign buyers and Thai exporters. There have recently been further trade negotiations with South Korean importers of mangoes from Thailand. During the year, South Korea imported at least 3,200 tons of mangoes valued at approximately 15 million US dollars. There is also a plan for business matching with fruit importers from South Korea and Malaysia this May, and the DITP will arrange a business matching activity with fruit importers from the United Arab Emirates and Egypt in June.

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