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Private sector waits to see new economic ministers to raise investors’ confidence


BANGKOK, 7 June 2019 (NNT) – The private sector is waiting to see new ministers in charge of economic portfolios who may raise the confidence of investors. The Consumers Confidence Index was reported at 77.7 in May, the lowest in 19 months.

Thanawat Pholvichai, director of University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce’s Economics and Business Forecasting, said a new cabinet is expected within this month following the recent election of a prime minister. In particular, the economic ministers would carry out the performances to raise the investors’ confidence. The coalition government would continue to steer policy matters.

Mr. Thanawat disclosed that the Consumers Confidence Index dropped to 77.7 in May, the lowest in 19 months, due to the people’s concerns over political uncertainties and fears of the trade war between the United States and China which is affecting Thailand’s export industry. The prices of farm goods remain low, thus restraining the purchasing powers of the farmers

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Grab may be categorized as e-charter transport operator


Ride-hailing service providers such as Grab will likely be listed as e-charter transport operators, heard attendees at a meeting to discuss a draft Government decree replacing Decree 86 on the transport business and its conditions on April 8, reported the local media.

Grab may be categorized as e-charter transport operator, vietnam economy, business news, vn news, vietnamnet bridge, english news, Vietnam news, news Vietnam, vietnamnet news, vn news, Vietnam net news, Vietnam latest news, Vietnam breaking news

A person uses her mobile phone to call Grab taxi services. Ride-hailing service providers such as Grab will likely be listed as e-charter transport operators

The Ministry of Transport organized the meeting with other ministries, transport operators and associations to collect feedback for the eighth version of the draft decree before presenting it to the prime minister prior to April 15 as scheduled. Many participants at the meeting proposed Grab be listed as an e-charter transport operator.

A representative from the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) noted that Grab was a new transport service provider that applies technology to its operations. Its services are widely used by the local people thanks to its convenient features.

The MPS representative suggested the relevant agencies clarify Grab’s business structure and categorize it in accordance with prevailing regulations, while imposing stringent management policies on the firm in terms of safety requirements for vehicles and drivers, service costs and tax and financial obligations to the State.

Representing Grab Vietnam, Nguyen Ngoc Trang asserted that Grab functions as an ecommerce trading floor as it was previously registered with the Ministry of Industry and Trade. He also pointed out that some terms stipulated on the draft decree were redundant and illogical.

Meanwhile, some participants at the meeting voiced their opposition to the suggestion to list Grab as an e-charter transport service provider.

Nguyen Cong Hung, chairman of the Hanoi Taxi Association, was quoted by Nguoi Lao Dong Online as saying that the application of electronic features to operations is merely a transport connection method. It is illogical to name a new transport service type based on the connection method, Hung said.

Also, Khuat Viet Hung, vice chairman of the National Traffic Safety Committee, stated that the five types of transport services regulated in the Law on Road Traffic were enough and creating a new service type was not needed.

Wrapping up the meeting, Deputy Minister of Transport Le Dinh Tho remarked that the unit compiling the draft decree will take the feedback into consideration. He suggested the relevant parties continue to work on the draft decree before sending it to the prime minister.


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Thailand aims to export 10m tons of rice in 2019


BANGKOK, 5 June 2019 (NNT) – Rice is important to Thailand in many respects, including for the economy, society, culture, environment and food security. It is the main economic crop as well as an important export product of Thailand. Each year, Thailand exports an average of 10 million tons of rice to markets worldwide, generating more than 150 billion baht in revenue, making Thailand the world’s top rice exporter.

Nowadays, the way of life and consumption habits of rice consumers worldwide is changing. Therefore, it is necessary for Thailand to adjust and develop the rice production process to meet the needs of various consumer groups to make Thailand a sustainable food source for the world in the future, which will benefit Thai people and the world community.

Commerce Ministry Permanent Secretary Bunyarit Kallayanamit says that the Ministry of Commerce still maintains a target of 10 million tons of rice exports this year. The export value is projected to be close to 180 billion baht. The Ministry of Commerce has maintained its rice export forecast because it believes that the trade war between the United States and China does not affect the demand for rice and the El Nio phenomenon that affects many countries is likely to increase Thai rice prices.

From discussions with farmers, it was found that farmers are satisfied with rice prices. Every government has placed importance on rice because it is the main agricultural product of the country and Thailand has about four million rice farming households.

Meanwhile, in the second half of this year, the Department of Foreign Trade plans to stimulate the sale of rice by assigning a trade delegation, from both the public and private sectors, to conduct trade negotiations with important partner countries in order to expand markets as well as to encourage the private sector to find the markets itself, especially new markets. Mr. Bunyarit expressed his confidence that Thailand will certainly be able to export 10 million tons of rice this year.

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Operational centers prepared for torrential waters in rainy season


BANGKOK, 4 June 2019 (NNT) – Three operational centers have been prepared to monitor the water situation and give warnings for torrential waters in rainy season nationwide.

The Office of National Water Resources has assessed risk areas of torrential waters and given warnings to the public by linking data with other agencies. Measures of the three operation centers have been laid out to cope with torrential waters in rainy season nationwide. The intensity of the situation’s Level 1-2 is green upon the announcement of the Meteorological Department that rainy season has come. The Water Directing Center will act as a major coordinating and monitoring unit for daily analysis. Level 2-3 is yellow for the gathering of rainstorms or low pressures prevailing over Thailand, followed by heavy rains in many provinces. Three days of rains are forecast to make some 200 millimeters of water, accounting for over 60% of the water in waterways with the likelihood of more rainwater to come. The volume of water in water reservoirs has risen to over 60% and been inclined to gradually rise higher. The Temporary Crisis Center is expected to immediately operate in the middle of July.

Level 3-4 is red as the highest level of intensity of the situation affecting wide areas throughout the country. The Command Center with the Prime Minister as commander. The Office of National Water Resources will obtain reports on the intensity of the situation from all related agencies at three-hours interval for general risk areas and at one-hour interval for critical areas. Meetings of the Command Center will be held three times daily and data will be submitted to the Central Directorate for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation so that assistance measures for victims will be immediately provided.

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Self-storage industry in Asia on the rise – Property, Real Estate


The self-storage industry in Asia is evolving as the notion of storing personal belongings outside the home catches on.

Outside of Japan and Australia, Hong Kong remains the most established Asian market with an estimated 418 facilities, a number that compares closely to China’s total facilities.

However, there is potential for further market growth.

Per capita stock of self-storage facilities in eight logistics markets in Asia (Hong Kong, China, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand) currently averages less than 0.01 sqm, significantly below the 0.1-0.2 sqm in the U.K. and Australia, and one sqm per capita in the U.S.

Self-storage operators have a potentially very viable product

The average occupancy rate in more established Asian markets as well as the U.S. stood above 80% during 2018, although China, Taiwan and Southeast Asia saw slightly lower levels.

Moreover, a good customer mix (on average 70% personal users and 30% business users in Asia) means that the sector is less susceptible to fluctuations in business cycle as compared with other commercial real estate.

High housing prices and small living space should continue to drive personal demand for self-storage, while corporates and e-commerce platforms will likely drive business demand.

Rents charged by operators to end-users enjoy a good spread over typical industrial rents paid to the landlords in major markets. For example, the average premium is about USD 20 per sqm per month in Singapore and up to USD 50 in Hong Kong.

Investors take a closer look

Investors are taking a closer look at the self-storage sector because of a lack of available products in traditional commercial real estate. In addition, rising asset values has squeezed investment yields in core sectors to…

Read the complete article on Thailand Business News

Strong Buyer turnout for 4th Amazing Thailand Health & Wellness Trade Meet 2019

Bangkok, 31 May 2019 – A totally of 70 carefully-selected buyers from 23 countries have been invited to participate in this year’s “Amazing Thailand Health & Wellness Trade Meet 2019” organised by Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) on 30 May, 2019, at the Waldorf Astoria Bangkok.

Specialising in various aspects of health, wellness and medical tourism, the buyers will meet with 40 Thai sellers ranging from hospitals and beauty institutes to anti-aging experts.

Yuthasak Supasorn, TAT Governor

Mr. Yuthasak Supasorn, TAT Governor said: “This is the 4th time this niche-market trade show is being held as part of our strategy to promote Thailand as a world-class destination for health and wellness tourism.

“It is designed to enable the invited buyers to come up to speed with the significant improvements in the quality of Thailand’s health and wellness facilities, services and products, while Thai sellers get an opportunity to learn about new trends and market demands in various source markets.”

Following the welcome remarks by the TAT Governor, each of the sellers will provide three-minute snapshot presentations on their products and services.

Strong Buyer turnout for 4th Amazing Thailand Health & Wellness Trade Meet 2019
In Photo (from left to right): Mr. Hisham Huneidi, CEO, A C E Health Travels Consultation (Kuwait City, Kuwait); Assist. Prof. Dr. Pansak Sungkraroek, Vitallife Senior Brand Ambassdor, Vitallife Scienfic Wellness Centre (Bangkok, Thailand); Mrs. Srisuda Wananpinyosak, TAT Deputy Governor for International Marketing – Europe, Africa, Middle East and Americas; Ms. Thu Truong, Co Founder – Director, TVN Group Healthcare Consultation Company (Hanoi, Vietnam); and Mr. WenFeng Yang, Vice President, Baodao Health Care (Beijing, China)

In the afternoon, a panel discussion will be held on the topic of “Navigating the Health & Wellness Tourism Insights”, featuring expert panelists comprising Asst. Prof. Dr. Pansak Sugkraroek, Vitallife Scientific Wellness Centre; Mr. Hisham Huneidi, A C E Health Travel Consultation (Kuwait); Ms. Thu Truong, TVN Group Vietnam Joinstock (Vietnam), and Mr. WenFeng Yang, Baodao Health Care (China).

Buyers and sellers will then get a chance to do some quick business networking.  The event will end with a “CEO Night”, an evening party at the Waldorf Astoria Bangkok.

Health and wellness is one of a number of niche markets being promoted by TAT under the umbrella marketing concept of “Amazing Thailand: Open to the New Shades.” Some of the promising demographic segments include senior citizens, millennials and working women.

Thailand is one of the world’s most popular health and wellness tourism destinations, ranging from prevention to cure. While the numbers from the long-standing source markets in the Gulf countries are tapering off, new business is emerging from places; such as, Myanmar, Australia and Russia.

Thailand now has 66 JCI-accredited hospitals, more than any other Southeast Asian country and ranked the top fourth in the world after Saudi Arabia, China and the UAE.

The Royal Thai Government has approved 90-day visas for patients and medical visitors from China, Cambodia, Lao PDR., Myanmar, Vietnam as well as the GCC. The Ministry of Public Health has so far listed 118 hospitals and healthcare centres that are eligible to provide a confirmation letter to patients or visitors seeking medical treatment in Thailand.

*Amazing Thailand Health & Wellness Trade Meet 2019 sessions

Read the complete story here

Camera roll…and… ACTION!: ASEAN youths prep for video contest on renewable energy

Camera roll…and… ACTION!: ASEAN youths prep for  video contest on renewable energy

HANOI, 23 May 2019 – Ten finalists of the  5th ASEAN Youth Video Contest participated in a video training workshop jointly organised by ASEAN Foundation, ASEAN-German Energy Programme, and ASEAN-USAID PROSPECT at the Viet Nam Journalist Training Centre in Hanoi on 20-23 May.

Held under the theme “Renewable Energy: Powering ASEAN’s Bright Future,” this year’s contest aimed to increase awareness on the use of renewable energy as part of ASEAN’s Community building efforts.

Hosted by the Viet Nam Journalist Association, the training supported the finalists in developing necessary knowledge and skills to become professional video makers. Story development, screenplay writing, filming technique, as well as pre-production and post-production arrangements were among the skills transferred to participants.

Following the classroom didactics, filming sessions were organised in historical and cultural sites across Hanoi, including in Hoa Lo Prison, Tran Quoc Pagoda, Ngoc Son Temple, and the Old Quarter. Upon completion of the workshop, the finalists were expected to submit their final videos for further selection. Three videos will be announced as winners in July 2019.

The annual ASEAN Youth Video Contest was first launched in 2015 by the ASEAN Foundation and the ASEAN-US Partnership for Good Governance, Equitable and Sustainable Development and Security as an initiative to promote ASEAN awareness through youth’s creativity.

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NBTC : Thailand unaffected by curbs on Huawei


BANGKOK, 23 May 2019 (NNT) – The Secretary-General of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) disclosed today that Thailand has not been affected by the United States’ curbs on Huawei at this stage, confirming that Thai people can still use current Huawei phones, though users may not be able to use United States’ applications on Huawei’s future phone models.

NBTC Secretary General Thakorn Tanthasit says that the NBTC sought details of the situation from the United States Embassy in Thailand, and received a report that people in Thailand who use Huawei communication devices can continue to use them as usual. However, the devices’ data update may be affected. Huawei devices on display in the phone market also function normally. However, for devices to be produced in the future, there is a possibility that United States’ companies may not provide certain services. Meaning users may not be able to use Google and Facebook on new Huawei models.

However, Thailand is only the United States’ watchlist and has not yet been placed on the blacklist which contains 40 countries, especially those that border the United States such as Canada and other countries in the region.

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