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NESDB organizes seminar on environmental assessment


BANGKOK, 28 May 2019 (NNT) – The Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB) organized a seminar to hear opinions on environment to create correct knowledge and understanding of steering a strategic environmental assessment which will lead to development and preparation of plans in the organization.

The seminar was organized under the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Project. It was attended by representatives from the public sector, private sector, foundations, organizations and network partners. Lectures on Thailand’s SEA development guidelines were given by experts and representatives from relevant agencies.

Ms. Ladawan Khampha, NESDB’s Sustainable Development Advisor, stated that the SEA is a process of studying, analyzing and assessing the potential and capability to accommodate the environment from development of plan policy and plans by integrating economic, social and environmental aspects including comparing options. This will result in careful and transparent quality decisions and participation from all sectors. It is considered an important tool for sustainable development planning.

The SEA steering project is scheduled to open five seminars nationwide. Experts and representatives from relevant agencies will be invited to provide knowledge about Thailand’s SEA development guidelines to general people and development partners throughout the country. The seminars are also aimed at hearing opinions on steering and conducting SEA in Thailand.

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Flexible workspace key role in company’s success – Corporate, Real Estate


A survey from Regus’ parent company IWG finds flexible working helps cut costs and boost employee productivity

From HR directors to entrepreneurs to PAs, flexible office spaces are helping all kinds of businesspeople work better.

In IWG’s , well over two thirds of respondents (79%) said that flexible workspace has played a role in their company’s success.

Among the key reasons are low running costs and the fact that facilities and social spaces are set up for maximum productivity.

Additionally, with Regus workspaces available in over 1,000 towns and cities around the world, professionals can cut down their commuting times and costs, as well as strike a better balance between their home and professional life.

Alex Grande, Founder and CEO of employee recognition and rewards platform Recognize, says he uses Regus offices in the US because they are well-designed and affordable.

“They allow our small company to have really nice office space when we otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford it. I have a view of the Colorado River in our private office for only $1,600 per month.

“Having a subscription for our office spaces also allows us to keep debt off our books. We don’t have a 30-year loan on a traditional office.”

Other benefits include being able to open a new branch anywhere. “Austin is a more affordable place than San Francisco, so being able to easily open an office there through Regus is huge,” says Grande. “And if our current office stops meeting our needs, we can move to a different one.”

In addition to cost savings, flexible work is a sought-out after perk for professionals.

In fact, IWG’s survey has found that more than 50% of employees worldwide are working outside of their main office headquarters for at least 2.5 days a…

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Food delivery business to reach THB33-35 billion in 2019


Food delivery applications are an example of ‘digital disruption’, in which digital technology transforms not only consumer behavior but also restaurants’ food supply chains.

Vietnamese real estate market attracts Japanese firms


 The real estate market in Vietnam is the most attractive in Southeast Asia, according to Director of Japan’s Global Link Cooperative Yoshinori Nakata.

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TTM to focus on “Making the World Better Place through Travel” – Tourism


Bangkok, 20 May 2019 – The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) has overhauled the knowledge sharing session of its annual Thailand Travel Mart Plus (TTM+) 2019 to better align it with new social, cultural and ecological transitions under way in the kingdom’s fastest growing foreign exchange earning industry.

Under the theme of “Making the World a Better Place through Travel”, the TTM Talk will feature a line-up of 10 well-recognised experts who will cover a broad range of social, cultural, marketing, management and development topics of critical importance to many aspects of the past, present and future of Thai tourism.

The session will be held concurrently between 15.00-16.00 Hrs. on Wednesday, 5 June, 2019, just before the start of the doing business trade session of the Thailand Travel Mart Plus 2019 at the Ocean Marina Yacht Club Pattaya.

This is the second consecutive year the TTM Plus will be held at the same venue.

Mr. Siripakorn Cheawsamoot, TAT Deputy Governor for Digital Research and Development said, “This year it was felt to be a good time to bring together 10 movers and shakers from a broad cross section of disciplines including tourism, media, education, agriculture and more, “to present new perspectives, alternative practices, and inspiring stories that prove you truly can make the world a better place through…

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Sukhothai helps storm hit villagers


BANGKOK, 25 May 2019(NNT) – Many areas in Thailand are being hit with summer thunderstorms during this period, causing damage to houses. A number of agencies have now stepped up operations to assist affected villagers.

A low pressure system prevailing over upper parts of Thailand has caused thunderstorms and strong winds in 72 districts of 23 provinces in the north and northeastern regions since 20th May. The disaster has so far caused damage to 3,503 houses, injured seven persons, and killed one.

In Lampang, the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation has coordinated with the provincial hall, military units, local administrative organizations, and related agencies to provide initial assistance to affected villagers by distributing items for consumption, roof tiles and repair items, and making surveys of the damage as a reference for compensation to be offered according to the Ministry of Finance’s regulations.

In Sukhothai, the Provincial Governor Maitree Tritinanun has along with members of the Red Cross chapter, delivered essential items to disaster affected persons in Khiri Mat district, while the local administrative organization, village headmen, and the district office have allocated repair tools and materials, while personnel from Altruistic Heart Volunteers, are helping repair damaged houses following the widespread disaster.

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Commercial real estate investment shows Value-add on the rise in Asia Pacific – Property, Real Estate


For FY 2018, direct commercial real estate investment volume for Asia Pacific totalled USD 160 billion, increasing from FY 2017’s figure of USD 149 billion.

Out of this growing allocation of capital to real estate, a clear preference for value-add investment strategies has emerged.

Figure 1 shows that core, core-plus and opportunistic strategies have remained relatively unchanged in terms of their dry powder over the six years ending December 2018. 

Core and core-plus are characterised by lower risk and lower returns; generally Grade A office buildings in core locations of major cities, with diversified tenant mixes and stable occupancy rates.

Opportunistic, on the other hand, is higher risk and higher return, focusing on buildings that generally require significant enhancement or redevelopment.

Figure 1: Changes in dry powder by strategy
Source: Preqin, JLL

Value-add, however, characterised by medium-to-high risk in tandem with medium-to-high return, has been winning the popularity contest over the same period. Typical value-add categorisations would involve the purchase of an asset which is encountering operational issues or could benefit from refurbishment, then modifying and effectively repositioning and stabilising the property, before selling it at a favourable point in time with a higher valuation (usually holding for 4-10 years) to maximise return.

Lack of availability of core product

With a lack of availability of core product, investors are finding it increasingly difficult to deploy capital to core assets in central locations and are looking to source suitable product in more fringe locations.

In addition, existing owners of core assets are more reluctant to sell in the current market as re-entry and securing new assets is becoming…

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FTI, EXIM Bank to help support businesses to compete in world market


BANGKOK, 24 May 2019(NNT)- The Federation of Thai Industries and Exim Bank have planned to raise potentials and support for all levels of export sector ranging from SMEs to major manufacturers in effort to compete in the world markets and penetrate new export markets.

The FTI and Exim Bank have agreed to integrate data on trade and investment, provide orientation courses for export-bound manufacturers and provide financial support. Exim Bank provides loans with a 0.5% interest per annum for its customers for investment projects in the country and overseas.

Kriangkrai Thiranukul, vice president of the Federation of Thai Industries, said a public-private working group should be set up to assess effects of trade war between the United States and China on all parts of industry sector and lay strategic plans for domestic investment and get access to individual partner countries. The private sector has looked forward to the opening of more export markets with the new government negotiating more FTA agreements. The new government is suggested to not allow China to relocate manufacturing bases from China to Thailand only to use trade privileges provided by the U.S. for Chinese-made, Thailand-based export goods to the U.S. markets otherwise the U.S. might retaliate in trade with Thailand which has ranked 11th or 12th on a list of countries which have enjoyed trade surpluses over the U.S.

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