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Security beefed up in three southern Thailand coastal provinces


Security officials in three coastal provinces along the Andaman Sea well known as tourist attractions have been put on alert for potential violent incidents by southern militants.

Bangkok Airways offers special domestic air fares to women travellers


In conjunction with the Tourism Authority of Thailand’s (TAT) Women’s Journey Thailand 2017 project, Bangkok Airways is offering a special domestic air fare of 1,190 Baht per trip on its flights between Bangkok and popular destinations in Thailand including Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Lampang, Sukhothai, Phuket, Krabi and Trat.

This corresponds with TAT’s Women’s Journey Thailand 2017 campaign which aims to promote Thai tourism by offering women travellers a huge range of activities, special deals, and discounts throughout August 2017.

To take advantage of this special fare, interested women travellers can simply book their trips on the airline’s official website ( from 1 June – 15 August 2017. This special fare will be valid for travel in the month of August 2017 only.

Women travellers will also enjoy extra privileges such as an additional 10 kilograms of baggage allowance (in addition to the normal 20 kilograms per person), receive double FlyerBonus points when flying with Bangkok Airways on any routes, and receive 15 points when becoming a member of the frequent flyer program, FlyerBonus by the end of August 2017.

The special fare is exclusive of airport taxes.

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Vietnam to miss 2017 growth target: WB

The World Bank (WB) released its Global Economic Prospects report on June 4, forecasting a global 2017 economic growth rate of 2.7 percent and a Vietnamese growth rate of 6.3 percent, lower than the 6.7 percent goal set by the government.

Vietnam to miss 2017 growth target: WB, vietnam economy, business news, vn news, vietnamnet bridge, english news, Vietnam news, news Vietnam, vietnamnet news, vn news, Vietnam net news, Vietnam latest news, Vietnam breaking news

Workers process metal moulds at the SaiGon Industry Corporation in HCM City

In Vietnam, strong exports are projected to help growth sustain itself at slightly below 6.5 percent this year, according to WB’s report.

For Vietnam and other countries in the Asia Pacific region, commodity import growth remains generally robust. Therefore, solid domestic demand, strong infrastructure spending and FDI-led investment in manufacturing sectors and services will continue to benefit the country.

After a period of financial market volatility in late 2016, global finance conditions have improved in 2017. Although real credit growth generally moderated on tighter regulations and higher inflation, it remained high in Vietnam and China.

The withdrawal of the United States from the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), however, could potentially withhold significant growth opportunities from Vietnam. Changing trade policies would also affect certain economies in the Asia Pacific region, namely those with sizable exports to developed economies such as Vietnam, Cambodia, China, Malaysia and Thailand.

As manufacturing and trade pick up, market confidence rises, and commodity prices stabilise, advanced economies’ growth will accelerate to 1.9 percent in 2017, which also will benefit developed countries’ trading partners. Meanwhile, emerging markets’ and developing economies’ growth will increase to 4.1 percent this year from 2016 number of 3.5 percent.

“With a fragile but real recovery now underway, countries should seize this moment to undertake institutional and market reforms that can attract private investment to help sustain growth in the long term. Countries must also continue to invest in people and build resilience against overlapping challenges, including climate change, conflict, forced displacement, famine and disease,” said Jim Yong Kim, World Bank Group President.

In late March, the General Statistics Office of Vietnam announced that the country’s first quarter GDP growth was 5.1 percent from the same period in 2016. This slow growth is attributed to the manufacturing sector’s underperformance. As such, the low percentage of this year’s first quarter means a potential challenge to the National Assembly’s goal of a 6.7 percent GDP growth rate by the end of 2017.

Nonetheless, Vietnam Institute for Economic and Policy Research predicts that with a gradual increase in each quarter’s GDP growth rate, the goal is still attainable.


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Kadeejeen-Klongsarn Centre slated for completion next year

Bangkok, 6 June, 2017 – The Kadeejeen-Klongsarn Centre, scheduled for completion in 2018, is being jointly developed as a community facility and a gateway to some of Bangkok’s oldest river-side communities in the Bangkok-Thonburi district. The educational and cultural facility will serve as a starting point for tourists and the general public seeking information and exchange idea and knowledge about the history of these areas, as well as act as a showcase for products from these communities.

Kadeejeen-Klongsarn Centre slated for completion next year
Artist rendering of Kadeejeen-Klongsarn Centre by Bangkok’s historic Memorial Bridge

The facility is being developed in a 250 square metre plot by Bangkok’s historic Memorial Bridge adjacent to the riverfront court of the City Law Enforcement Department. This is where the communities of Kadeejeen and Klongsarn meet, making it the ideal location to serve the needs of both the communities especially as the area boasts connection to various kinds of transportation including road and water ways, and in the near future, the urban railways.

The Kadeejeen-Klongsarn Centre development is a joint effort between the Urban Design & Development Center (UddC) and ICONSIAM, which adheres to a philosophy of contributing to local communities, ensuring they are sustainable and will thrive into the future.

So there has have been regular meetings and consultations between ICONSIAM, UddC and the Kadeejeen-Klongsarn Community as well as home-owners, temples, schools, and government agencies to ensure that the latest the project will create benefit for the riverside communities and Bangkok in general.

The Kadeejeen-Klongsarn Center should also promote eco-tourism, and increase incomes for people in the communities to raise the living standards of the local people. ICONSIAM also believes in preserving natural resources and the environment of the Chao Phraya River so that it remains part of the heritage of all Bangkok dwellers…

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Singapore Trillion Global invests over 1.6 billion baht in Singha Estate Condominium Projects


Singapore capital group Trillion Global Pte. Ltd. invests over 1.6 billion baht in Singha Estate Condominium Projects, signaling high confidence in Thailand’s property industry

In one of the latest developments that underlines foreign investors’ great confidence in Thailand’s property industry, Singapore company Trillion Global has invested more than 1.6 billion baht in 2 of Singha Estate PCL’s condominium projects: The ESSE Asoke and The ESSE at SINGHA COMPLEX.

Singapore’s leading real estate investment company Trillion Global, which has investment portfolios in many countries around the world, primarily in Asia and Europe, has given its stamp of approval to the property market in Thailand with continuing investments worth a combined 1.66 billion baht in condominium projects developed by Singha Estate.

Mr. William Loke, Managing Director of Trillion Global said, “Thailand has the potential to become a regional hub for ASEAN investment while property prices in Thailand are still reasonable and not too high compared with other countries.

We believe investment opportunities in Thailand will yield good returns in the future. Trillion Global started a partnership with Singha Estate with an initial purchase of a large block of units in THE ESSE Asoke condominium project worth over 900 million baht – an investment which received very good responses when our company went on roadshows in Asian countries such as China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore”

“We recently decided to invest an additional 760 million baht in Singha Estate’s new development, THE ESSE at SINGHA COMPLEX – a Luxury Condominium project. THE ESSE at SINGHA COMPLEX has also been very well received by foreign investors thanks to its prime location on the…

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Binh Son Refinery valued at $3.2bn ahead of IPO


Binh Son Refinery (BSR), the operator of Vietnam’s only oil refinery, Dung Quat, was valued at VND72.88 trillion ($3.2 billion) at the end of 2015, with the State holding a 60 per cent stake, according to the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Binh Son Refinery valued at $3.2bn ahead of IPO, vietnam economy, business news, vn news, vietnamnet bridge, english news, Vietnam news, news Vietnam, vietnamnet news, vn news, Vietnam net news, Vietnam latest news, Vietnam breaking news

An affiliate of the Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group (PetroVietnam), BSR is preparing for an initial public offering (IPO) later this year. 

CEO Mr. Tran Ngoc Nguyen said BSR will sell 5-6 per cent of the company’s shares to the public in an IPO scheduled for November.

The operator of the Dung Quat Oil Refinery will also allow its employees to buy a combined 0.07 per cent stake within the year and will look to attract strategic investors next year.

Chairman Mr. Nguyen Hoai Giang told foreign media on June 1 that the Vietnamese Government had recently given permission for BSR to sell more than half of the company to either foreign or domestic strategic investors, giving a potential buyer a controlling stake.

The company had been in talks with Japan’s JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corp., South Korea’s SK Energy Co., and Russia’s Gazprom Neft, among others, but the talks have failed to progress, Mr. Giang said.

Dung Quat Oil Refinery in the central province of Quang Ngai now meets around one-third of Vietnam’s demand for fuel and oil products with an annual capacity of processing 6.5 million tons of crude oil each year.

BSR has a plan to expand capacity at Dung Quat by 30 per cent at a cost of $1.8 billion while reducing production costs due to cheaper oil prices. 

After completing its expansion in 2021, the refinery’s capacity will increase to 8.5 million tons of crude oil per year, meeting up to 60 per cent of local demand.

The country’s demand for oil and petroleum products has increased every year and the volume imported in 2015 rose 18.7 per cent, according to data from the General Department of Customs under the Ministry of Finance.

The $3-billion refinery posted revenue of VND21 trillion ($923 million) in the first quarter of this year, or 33 per cent of its full-year target. 

BSR projected revenue this year at VND62.4 trillion ($2.75 billion), down 17 per cent from 2016 on an expected fall in crude oil prices and shorter production time due to maintenance work.

2016 was viewed as a successful year for BSR, as total revenue reached more than $3.1 billion and it contributed over $483 million to the State budget, exceeding its plan by $88 million. 

Production was estimated at 6.84 million tons and sales at 6.8 million tons.

In the 2016-2020 period, BSR aims to record production of 28 million tons, of which diesel oil products will account for 50 per cent, with 14.064 million tons, A92/E5 gasoline over 6.383 million tons, and A95 gasoline 4.14 million tons.

VN Economic Times

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Foreign debt up 6.5-fold in 14 years


Vietnam’s foreign debt leaped 6.5-fold between 2001 and 2015, with the World Bank, Japan, and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) being its largest creditors, Minister of Finance Dinh Tien Dung told the ongoing National Assembly (NA) session on May 25.

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Minister of Finance Dinh Tien Dung

“Public debt is increasing rapidly, primarily because of weaknesses in managing and using loans,” he told the legislature.

Some debtors with government-guaranteed loans also lost their repayment capacity, passing on the burden to the government. He did not elaborate or name any specific State-owned enterprises (SOEs).

Debts owed to the World Bank jumped 11.5-fold in the fourteen-year period, to VND274.2 trillion ($12.08 billion) while those to the ADB and Japan rose 20.3-fold and 6.8-fold to VND151.1 trillion ($6.66 billion) and VND243.9 trillion ($10.74 billion), respectively.

Vietnam took out nearly $36.6 billion in official development assistance (ODA) and preferential loans from foreign creditors in the 2010-2016 period, while disbursing nearly $32.8 billion worth of foreign loans to finance socioeconomic development projects, Minister Dung said.

Between 2010 and 2016, the government raised VND1.27 trillion ($56.25 billion) worth of government bonds at home, representing an increase of 36 per cent each year. The government also provided guarantees totaling VND632.8 trillion ($27.87 billion) in the period while local governments also borrowed VND139 trillion ($6.12 billion).

Vietnam has depended on foreign loans to develop cash-hungry infrastructure and public projects. Hanoi, for instance, is looking to borrow a further VND53 trillion ($2.3 billion) from foreign creditors to develop its urban railway lines.

Minister Dung said the Law on Public Debt Management needs to be amended to include stricter rules on borrowing and on enhancing capital management.

Borrowings to date pushed Vietnam’s public debt to 63.7 per cent of GDP at the end of 2016, up from 62.2 per cent in 2015 and 50.1 per cent in 2011. The NA has put a curb on public debt of 65 per cent of GDP.

At end-2016, government debt and foreign debt stood at 52.6 per cent and 44.3 per cent of GDP, respectively.

The World Bank has forecast that Vietnam’s public debt will climb to 64.4 per cent this year and 64.7 per cent in 2018. The mounting debt will impose a steadily increasing burden on Vietnam’s economy and make it ever harder to cut the budget deficit, the bank said in a report released last year.

Under Vietnamese legislation, public debt includes government debt, foreign debt, government guarantees, and debts owed by local governments, while debts issued by the central bank, SOEs, and other State-run entities are excluded from the tally.

VN Economic Times

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Southeast Asia: showcasing the future of work


A youthful population. The highest regional economic growth in the world. A technologically savvy population that is rapidly modernising. All these are characteristics of Southeast Asia – making it an ideal test bed for concepts in real estate.

JLL recently launched its Future of Work model, a framework for looking at the future of the workplace and its impact on real estate.

The model includes factors that property occupiers – and investors – should consider when creating workplaces or physical environments.

Ideally, these should be workplaces and environments that support individuals achieving their ambitions in an ever-changing, uncertain operating environment, and can be applied across asset classes.

Our recent report, ‘New Urban Models in a Youthful Southeast Asia’ showcases new urban concepts that demonstrate the Future of Work in practice.

They provide inspiration for both occupiers, developers and investors about what is really possible to achieve in a real estate development.

To name a few:

Providing a human, authentic experience

We are living in an experience economy – and workers, shoppers, and more are looking for authentic and personal experiences. Many of these developments incorporate factors that we have identified as drivers of a truly human experience: health, well-being and access to nature and greenery – among many others.

In our report, we described how ‘many spaces slant towards bringing us back to nature or taking inspiration from nature’.

From the Hubud coworking space in Bali (which is set amongst forests and rice fields in Ubud) to the eight hectares of greenery and open space at One Bangkok, to the football field on the roof of the SM Mall of Asia in the Philippines, to the biodiversity garden at Singapore’s…

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