Thursday, September 5, 2024

Thai Woman Plunges 2 Meters After Manhole Cover Collapses, Trapped Underground for 30 Minutes

A 54-year-old woman fell into a 2m-deep drainage manhole in Samut Sakhon, Thailand, suffering minor injuries. She was trapped for nearly 30 minutes before being rescued.

In Samut Sakhon, Thailand, a 54-year-old woman, Ms. Wiparat Yonnawa, survived a close call after falling into a 2-meter deep drainage manhole on September 2. The accident happened when she stepped on a concrete cover that unexpectedly collapsed, sending her into a meter of water below.

Trapped for nearly half an hour, Ms. Wiparat felt helpless and terrified as she battled the fear of drowning. She had just left her home to shop and hadn’t noticed any issues with the manhole cover on her way out.

After a passer-by alerted authorities, she was rescued and taken to the hospital for treatment of bruises and scratches. Reflecting on her ordeal, Ms. Wiparat stressed that she might not have survived if the water level had been higher.

Source : Woman in Thailand falls 2m after manhole cover gives way, trapped underground for half an hour


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