Retail sector shares rose on Thursday, led by HMPRO’s 5.71% gain. Analysts predict increased consumption from new economic stimulus measures could boost Thailand’s GDP growth to 5% by 2027.
On Thursday, the retail sector saw an impressive rise in share prices, with Home Product Center Public Company Limited (HMPRO) gaining 5.71% to close at THB 9.25. The trading session recorded a total trading value of THB 460.87 million, with prices fluctuating between THB 8.80 and THB 9.30.
Central Retail Corporation (CRC) and CP Axtra (CPAXT) also enjoyed gains of 4.41% and 3.67%, closing at THB 35.50 and THB 28.25 respectively. Total trade values reached THB 415.79 million and THB 585.43 million, while CP All (CPALL) recorded a modest 0.45% rise to THB 56.00.
Analysts highlighted government economic stimulus measures, including the Easy E-Receipt policy and the Digital Wallet program, projected to enhance GDP significantly by 2025. These initiatives will positively impact various sectors, particularly retail, and are expected to stimulate consumer spending in the coming months.
Source : Brokers Pick 4 Retail Stocks to Benefit from Thailand’s Easy E-Receipt Program