Summer Solstice 2019 – the longest day

BANGKOK, 20 June 2019 (NNT) – The summer solstice is the day with the longest period of daylight and the shortest night. Supharerk Kharuhanon, head of the astronomical service section of the National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand, said June 21, 2019, marks this year’s summer solstice.

The sun will reach the northernmost point on June 21 the sun will rise on the northeastern horizon and set on the northwestern horizon. That will cause the longest daytime in the year. Summertime will begin in the northern hemisphere and wintertime will begin in the southern hemisphere.

In Thailand, the sun will rise at 5.51 a.m. and set at 6.47 p.m. Bangkok time and will be visible in the sky for 12.56 hours. The Earth orbits around the sun at different distances each year. The perihelion occurs at 147 million kilometers from the sun in early January. The aphelian occurs at152 million kilometers from the sun in early July. Such meager difference in distances does not influence season changes. Given the 23.5 degree slant of the Earth’s core during orbit around the sun, varied areas of the Earth are exposed to different levels of sunlight, thus causing different temperatures and different periods of time between day and night. That causes seasons on the Earth. In summer, the sun rises early and sets late. In winter, the nighttime is longer than the daytime and the sun rises late and sets early.

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